2.3 - funeral #2

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I pulled on my simple sleeveless pleated black dress with a leave pattern above my breasts. I put a black bandana in my straightened hair and added a silver necklace. After pulling on my black sandals and my sunglasses, I started to head out the door, locking it - a habit I had picked up considering the events of the last few months. 

I quickly sent Luke a text to inform him that I was on my way to the church in which Torie's funeral was being held. I got into my car, starting it and driving out of the neighborhood. It only took about ten minutes to get to the church. I pulled up, locking the car and walking into the church. 

I was early, but I walked through the aisles and up to the casket. It wasn't an open casket, due to the injuries to her head. I felt a pang of guilt in my gut as I realized how horrible I was to her. 

"Miss Ivory!" I turned around, startled by my beckoning. I saw Torie's father walking towards me, his long strides moving quickly. He handed me a white paper, which stated in a cursive font, Satoyrie Simone Lee. Below her name, it said, 1997-2015. 

"I just wanted to thank you for how much you helped with the funeral. I don't recall Torie ever talking about you, but I'm sure you were a great friend to her." He pulled me in for a hug as I awkwardly patted his back. "Thanks, Mr. Lee." I smiled at him as he walked away.

When I was informed that the funeral was being held soon, I had to help. I got two grand from my dad, claiming it was for my car to be repaired, and gave it to Torie's parents so they could help pay for her funeral. I also helped decorate and plan the funeral's date. I knew her parents were devastated, so I did anything I could to help. Besides, I felt kind of guilty for how I treated her.

As people starting piling in, the start of the service inched closer and closer. I saw Luke walk in, in the same suit he wore at my mother's funeral, looking around. I walked up to him, grabbing his hand. "Hey," He whispered, his voice low. I smiled at him, pulling him to our spots in the front. We sat politely in the audience as her mother, her father, and her group of five close friends spoke. They spoke about her, her habits, her personality, her music taste, her favorite books. 

I realized Torie & I could have been very good friends if we actually got to know each other. If we stopped thinking about ways go destroy each other, we could have been inseparable. We had more in common than we though - for example, we were both obsessed with Taylor Swift, and we both loved John Green books. We both hated lasagna, too. But now it's too late - too late for me to wanna be her friend. 

If she could just come back for one minute, I could tell her how sorry I was. Even if she didn't feel the same, even if she would spend that one whole minute telling me how much she hated me, I wouldn't care. Because I was truly sorry, and I knew she died because of me. I don't know how, or why, but I knew, and no matter how many times I told myself it's not your fault, I just knew. I knew. It's like when someone tells you they're not dating that person, but you know they are.

Luke rubbed my shoulders as we walked to the casket. I stared at it for a while, thinking for a while. Not crying or sobbing or telling her dead corpse how sorry I was, but just thinking. After what felt like hours, I turned around as two girls walked up to me - one had dark skin, and one was tan and short.They were both wearing black dressed. "Hello," The dark girl said, reaching out to shake my hand. "I'm Rikesha, and this is Yessalyn." "Yessi," She corrected as Rikesha glared at her.

"Were you friends of Torie's?" I asked. She shrugged. "More like an acquaintances." I laughed. I introduced her to Luke (in which she replied, "Aren't you that one guy from that one band?"). They gave me their numbers so we could all go hang out some time. Two men wearing suits came up behind them. "Who's this?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "This is Shawn, my boyfriend, and this is Tom, her boyfriend." Rikesha said, smiling. I nodded. "Katherine, we gotta go." Luke nudged. "Okay. I'll text you!" I said as Luke dragged me out. 

Before we got into our different cars, he pulled me in for a long hug. I rested my head on his shoulder, the height difference making it kind of difficult. He rested his chin on my head. "I love you." He mumbled. 

"What?" I said, pulling away. "Oh - I'm sorry - I didn't mean-" "It's okay," I said, smiling at him. I kissed him before saying goodbye and walking to my car. I pulled out of the driveway, driving to my house. 

I thought about the service, and how, although it was held in the same church as my mothers, it didn't feel the same. They both died because of me, but my I was more devastated about my mother. 

After walking into the house, I walked into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge - which only included a half empty ketchup bottle. I opened the freezer, relieved as I saw a bag of pizza rolls - but quickly disappointed, as it was an empty bag that Luke probably left in the freezer. Doesn't surprise me. 

I pressed Luke's name in my phone, calling him. As he picked up, he said 'Yeah?"

"Did you eat all my pizza rolls?" I asked. "Maybe? I don't know?" "Well now I have nothing to it, so could you throw away the bag next time?" I snapped.

"Are you really that mad? Do you want me to go buy you pizza rolls?" "Yes." I said. "Okay, on my way." I hung up as I walked upstairs. I looked at the clock, realizing I had 30 minutes to get to work. I quickly cleaned up my room and brushed my teeth. I pulled on a pair of jeans, a gray t shirt, some Chelsea boots and slid a ring on my finger and a watch my grandmother bought me for my birthday.

As soon as I walked downstairs and grabbed my bag, Luke walked in. "Hey, I got you like, three bags of 140." I stopped and turned to him. "Do you want me to get fatter than I am?" His eyes widened. "No - no you're not fat and I -" "Luke, I'm kidding, please shut up. Put them in the freezer, I've gotta go." He laughed as I walked over to him, standing by the door. I kissed him, patting his shoulder. "Love you," I said, smirking as I walked out the door and to my car. 


hi guys!! i added two new characters :)

bye the way shawn (rikesha's bf) is shAWN MENDES BYE SHE'S OBSESSED

and yessi's is tom kerfoot and his insta @mctomalds so yeah :-)

thanks 4 reading and vote and comment and stuff 


monsters // l.hحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن