1.3 - date

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We were all sitting on the steps behind the school were the boys hung out every day. Luke had just asked to talk to me alone, which confused me, but I agreed.

"Yeah, um, sure."

"I actually, I have to watch my little brother today, bye." Ash said, getting up and walking away. Calum mumbled something about being tired, and Michael just got up and left. By then it was just Luke & I alone. 

I turned to Luke. "So?" He cleared his throat, twisting the ring on his pinkie finger. "Um, I know this really good diner just outside of town, and I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go to lunch or something on Saturday?" He said, looking down.

"As in like, you're hungry and you need someone to accompany you to this diner?" I asked. I didn't think Luke was actually asking me out on a date, because he had already told me he didn't have feelings for me. 

"No, as in I want to take you on a date." He said, turning to me. "Wait, aren't you still seeing Torie?" He shook his head. "I don't even talk to her anymore. I haven't for since that day when she called me. Deleted her number." He said. 

"Ugh, I guess I'll go." I said, rolling my eyes. He laughed, but then looked at me seriously. "Will you?" I nodded, smiling.

He grinned, pulling me in for a hug. "Listen, I gotta go, my mom's making me mow the yard or she'll 'kick me out'. Bye." He said, using his hands to make air quotations when he said she'd kick him out. I waved as he walked off.

I got up, smiling and bouncing on my feet. I ran my hands through my hair, walking around to the parking lot. I got in, cranking my Nirvana CD, which I had been really into lately. 

I finally got home, rushing upstairs and calling Charlotte.


That Saturday could not have arrived any slower. I had been anxiously awaiting it, planning out what I would wear and then, the next day, deciding that it wasn't good enough and would pick another outfit. And there I was, thirty minutes before Luke was going to pick me up, standing in front of my mirror with no clue what to wear, so I ended up FaceTiming Charlotte for help. 

The phone rang as I bit the skin off of my lip. Once she had answered, I saw she was in her room lying on her bed with binders in front of her. "What's up, hun?" "I need help with my outfit." I groaned. She put down her pencil, thinking for a minute before speaking.

"So, since you're going with Luke and not some jock guy, he's not gonna want you to wear something super girly. Wear that Rolling Stones crop top that you have, the black one, it makes you look hot. Speaking of hot, it's super hot outside, so wear some shorts. Fishtail your hair to the side so it's out of your face and it's cute. Wear your converse, and also, don't do your makeup to heavy, don't try too hard. Just do something light." 

I looked at her through the screen. "Charlotte, what I would I do without you?" She laughed and starting shuffling around. "Crash and die." She replied back. 

"Yeah?" I heard her yell. "Ugh, Katherine, I've gotta go. Kiss him!" She said, ending the FaceTime call. I rolled my eyes, plugging my phone into the charger. I threw it on my bed, walking over to my closet and grabbing the clothes. I quickly changed, again standing in front of my mirror. I started fishtail braiding my hair to the side. My hair is pretty thin & long, so my hair looked really nice. 

I applied some mascara and eyeliner, taking Charlotte's advice and not going overboard. I had picked some denim Hollister shorts to pair with my shirt. I slipped on my converse, sitting down on my bed. I opened my phone, seeing that I had a new message.

monsters // l.hTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon