0.5 - hair dye

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It was the day after Luke basically rejected me, and I debated showing up to the chem lab that day. I didn't want things to be different between us, so I showed up that afternoon. 

I was sitting on the table that I usually did, wondering if he was coming.

"Holy shit, don't do that." My head snapped up. Luke was standing in the doorway, staring at me. "Do what?" I asked, confused. "Bite your lip. It makes me want to fuck you right here." He said. I laughed, shaking my head. "Yeah, well, sorry to break it to you buddy, but I'm not one of the girls you can just fuck and never talk to again." 

"Well I don't want to be anything more than just friends. And I'm sure that's the same for you." He said, clearing his throat. "Actually, that's not what I was thinking yesterday when you had me pinned against that wall." I said, nodding my head in that direction. He ignored my comment. "Well, now that that's cleared up, I need a favor." I raised my eyebrows as to say 'what?' He smiled. "I need a ride to the store. I need hair dye, and Ash bailed on me, and Micheal and Cal have plans." "But it's already purple?" I said, confused. Why would he want to dye it a different color? Did he want it to fall out? "Oh. The purple was a dare. I had to do it for two months, or else Michael was going to tell everyone that I gave Cal and Ash a blow job, which is NOT true. I just want my blonde hair back." He said. "I want to be as far from freakish as possible." He mumbled, and I probably shouldn't have heard it, but I did.

"Well if my opinion counts, I think it's cute." I jumped off the table, grabbing my bag and my keys. "Let's go."

While we drove, Luke insisted we listen to Nirvana, while I really wanted to listen to Blink-182. He ended up winning after a  game of rock, paper, scissors. He popped in the CD with a grin on his face, like a child when they're coming downstairs on Christmas morning. He sang all the words to every song, including Smells Like Teen Spirit and Lithium. He skipped a few songs including In Bloom, because he says they're too 'overplayed'. 

The CD ended up skipping on it's own, so we listened to Blink-182. When their song, I Miss You, came on, he turned to me. "Y'know, my band did a cover of this. You should check it out sometime." We arrived at the store, and he got out. "I'm just gonna walk home later. It's not too far." I nodded as he shut the door. 

I ended up driving around for an hour or so, just looking around. I liked being alone and just thinking about things. I was thinking about how Luke and I were in the chem lab that day before; I felt something, but I guess he didn't, which kind of upset. 

I drove off to my house, arriving and parking. I walked into the house, which was silent. "Mom?" I called out. No answer. I walked into the kitchen, seeing a note on the counter. 

Hey honey. I'll be working late tonight, order pizza or something. Love you! -Mom

I had gotten that same note at least 3 times this week. She was working night shifts at the bank, now, which resulted in me being home alone a lot. I set my phone on the counter and turned to the fridge. I grabbed a Dr Pepper, mentally noting to remind mom that we needed more. I opened it, taking a sip for a few seconds. I turned to see I had an incoming call from Luke. I grabbed my phone, sliding the answer part. "Hellooooo?" I said, topping my Dr Pepper.

"Hey, are you free tonight?" "Hmm. Not really. I have a date with Netflix. I'm cheating on him with pizza, though. Don't tell." He laughed, even though it was very funny. "Can you come over? I thought my mom would be home to help me with this hair stuff, but she's out." He said. "Yeah, sure. Give me 10 minutes." I went to my room, changing into a hoodie and some Nike tempo shorts. I was really looking forward to re watching all four seasons of Glee on Netflix, but I could do it another night. Plus, Luke was probably dying to have his hair back. 

I got into my car, starting it. I made a mental note to get more gas, making my way to Luke's house. It was only 5 minutes away from my house, but my neighborhood was a very crowded neighborhood. I drove to Luke's house. I had only been over there once, when he needed me to help him 'study'. I got out of the car, knocking on the door. My legs were cold, and I regretted wearing shorts. 

When he opened the door, he smiled saying, "Hey." He had a beer in his hand. I rolled my eyes, walking through the door. Over the last few weeks Luke suddenly wanted to be my best friend. He was cool, and funny, and sweet, and nice, and super hot, but I never understood why he wanted to be friends with me. I thought I had the answer yesterday, but he proved me wrong. I was stupid to think we could have something. 

I entered the house, sitting down on the couch. "Are we going to do this or what?" I asked. All I really wanted to do was be home. 

He nodded, throwing the boxes of hair dye to me. I made him sit down in front of me.

By the time that I was done, his hair was covered in the hair dye. "Okay. We have to wait 30 minutes before you can wash it out." I said. He got up and sat next to me on the couch. "Let's play 20 questions." He grinned. "Oh my God, are we in middle school?" He pouted and I groaned. "Fine." I set a timer for 30 minutes. I re-positioned so that he was sitting on the end of the three seated couch, my head lying against the arm rest and my feet on the seat next to me, my knees up.

"I'll go first. Are you a virgin?" He said. I rolled my eyes. "You're so immature. Yes." He snorted. "Lame." I kicked his shoulder slightly. "Your turn." He said. "Hm. What really happened to your band?" He cleared his throat. I knew Charlotte was full of shit, because she's, well, Charlotte. "Calum and Michael are fucking idiots," He sighed. "The brought back loads of drugs. Any kinds they could find. Weed, coke, LSD. You name it, they probably had it. They also had a bunch of alcohol. We got caught, though. Someone smelt the weed. Like, we took the blame for it, because y'know, friends do that for each other. I didn't do shit though, because I was sick, and right when they walked in with that shit, I went to bed." He said. "Then, our record label dropped us. No one else would sign us." He shrugged. 

The rest of the time was more along the lines of middle name, favorite band, etc. The timer went off, making me jump. He laughed as I stuck my middle finger up at him, grabbing the pillow and throwing it at him. "Feisty." He giggled. "I'll be in the shower, feel free to join." He winked. I rolled my eyes as he made his way to the bathroom. 

I felt so different when I'm with Luke. Which is fucking stupid. When will I stop being such a fucking idiot? I heard the shower start.

I'm just plain old, clingy, bitchy Katherine.

I suddenly realized how tired I was. I grabbed the pillow I had thrown earlier and put it under my head. I figured I would just close my eyes for a few seconds. I closed my eyes.


I finally managed to get all of the dye out of my hair. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towl around my waist. I smiled at myself through the mirror, happy to have my old hair back. I finally felt like myself. I checked the time. 11:56. I really didn't think I took long to shower, but oh well. I walked into my bedroom with the towel still around my waist. I changed into my boxers and some sweats. I walked out of my room, looking down at my phone. "Y'know, that was a great shower, but it would have been better if you were in there with me." I said, looking up. I saw Katherine sleeping on the couch.

She had put the pillow she threw at me earlier under her head and she was curled into a ball, hugging her knees. Her hair was falling in her face, her lips slightly parted. She looked gorgeous. Fuck.

I couldn't make her drive half asleep, she'd run into a tree, or even worse, a person. I sighed, putting one arm under her legs and the other on her back as I lifted her from the couch. I carried her to my bedroom, laying her down on the bed. I figured I'd just sleep on the couch that was pushed against my wall. I pulled the covers over her, smiling. 

She was now snoring slightly, which I thought was super cute. I pulled out my phone, snapping a picture. 

I layed on the couch, plugging my phone into the wall and pushing my earphones into my ears. I smiled, closing my eyes and falling asleep.


okay so i'm sorry this was short and boring but i don't feel good and i'm tired uGh so shit will happen in the next chapter

k bye

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