Intervention time...again

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Rachel stared at the letter in her hands, clutching it tightly as if it was going to run away from her, tears stung at her eyes as she struggled to see through the blurriness. NYADA had accepted her, even after the whole choking incident, Carmen Tibideaux had decided to give her another chance. But what about marrying Finn? She was supposed to stay here for a year until she figured out a way to get to Broadway without NYADA, she was supposed to help Finn with his dreams and help him figure out who he truly was and what he was good at other than football.

But this changed everything.

"Rachel? What does it say?" Kurt asked, hopeful for his best friend, she needed this. She needed to escape Lima and never look back. Finn was just dead weight dragging her further to rock bottom, and if she didn't leave soon then she never would. Rachel was just too oblivious to see that.

Should she tell them the truth? Or lie? If she tells them the truth then Finn would get mad and probably not want to marry her anymore, he could end their relationship right away. But this was NYADA, and she was certain that if she didn't accept this then there was no hope of her getting in ever again.

"Rach? You okay?" Finn frowned, silence only meant one thing...and his gut right now was telling him it was something bad.

Rachel slowly turned round to face her fiance and best friend. a few tears falling, secretly happy tears but that have no turned into angry tears at what she was about to do. "I didn't get in. She mustn't have been impressed at Nationals" She whispered, crumpling the letter into a ball and throwing it into the bin. Finn took a step forward, opening his arms to hug her but she stepped away and shook her head. "I just need to be alone Finn" And with that she left the choir room.

Kurt frowned, something wasn't right, Carmen Tibideaux definitely seemed impressed with Rachel's performance at Nationals, why else would she gave a standing ovation along with the rest of the audience? Plus, Kurt happened to eavesdrop on a little conversation between a certain blue eyed, monochrome wearing man and her prospective head of school. To hear him defend Rachel like that definitely surprised Kurt, especially after everything that happened. He had never met two more dramatic people in his life...and that's what made them perfect together. Kurt wasn't going to lie, he had never been a Finchel shipper, she deserved someone who loved the dramatics as much as her, and who could rival her tiny Diva attitude with their own, but also someone who could balance her out and bring her back to earth most of the time. And Jesse could do that...Heck he did do it! But turns out he was a spy, for the most part anyway. 

All Kurt wanted was for his best friend to be happy, and judging by her delayed reaction regarding the letter he knew something was up, he knew she got in but she wasn't going to go because of Finn, so as he left the room Kurt picked the acceptance letter from the bin and called an emergency Glee meeting, minus Finn and Rachel. There was no way Kurt was going to let Rachel throw this opportunity away. 


Jesse was in the midst of packing for NYU when he got the call, Kurt had actually sounded quite frantic at the time and when he first picked up he thought he was being over dramatic, but turns out that he was most definitely not overreacting. And now that's why Jesse found himself in the halls of McKinley High once again. He never thought he'd be back here again, but it's Rachel Berry. His one true love, the only girl he could probably ever love. Everything lead him back to her, he knew they were endgame, it was only a matter of time before she realised that too. He was not going to let her ruin her life and Broadway career for once Finn Hudson, he had already destroyed her to the point where not even Jesse recognised her. 

So if this intervention that Kurt had organised works, he would be more than happy to whisk Rachel off to New York and never look back.


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