Valentines Day - Mike and Tina

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For Halowillow I hope you enjoy the story! 

Tina was in her usual spot at the back of the choir room, watching as all the couples of the Glee club exchanged their Valentine's Day gifts to each other. They all had soppy grins and look of adoration in their eyes as they opened their gifts, and Tina couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously in her heart. It was halfway through her senior year and halfway through Mike's first year at Julliard. They were keeping in regular contact of course but it had only been a few nights ago that Mike broke the news to her that he wouldn't be home after all for Valentine's Day.

"Hey T" Mike greeted as his face appeared on Tina's laptop screen

Tina felt the usual butterflies in her stomach as she saw her boyfriend's face pop up to her, she had to resist the urge to reach out her hand and stroke the screen, she was attempting to be more casual, at last around Mike anyway. But being away from him for so long was driving her crazy, she wanted her boyfriend and she wanted him now!

"Hey Mike, how's the classes going so far?"

"They're really good!" Mike grinned and began showing her a list of new books he had to get for an assignment for one of his dance classes. "I never really knew just how much there was to learn about dance. It's made me fall in love with it even more"

Tina smiled, happy that he was finally happy being able to do something that he loved. "Do you love it more than me?" She teased

Mike smirked, "Hmmm, let me think" He couldn't help but chuckle at Tina's gasp of fake shock. "Of course not, I love dance but I could never love anything as more than I love you"

"You're so sweet" Tina grinned and blew him a kiss through the computer screen. Mike pretended to catch it and locked it in his pocket, a little token of their affection they had gotten so used to doing over their Skype sessions.

"I can't wait to see you on Valentines. I've been so excited since you told me you could come! I think I've annoyed everyone in Glee about it to be honest" Tina laughed, not noticing the look of sadness that had now appeared in Mike's eyes.

"I've got so many plans for us to do! There's a new restaurant opened up not too far from Lima, it's meant to be really nice. And I've booked us a table because they have a special on Valentines night..." Tina never got to finish the end of her sentence as Mike cut her off

"Tina, listen" Mike sighed, running his hand through his slightly longer her. "I've been meaning to tell you, but one of my teachers threw a last minute practical assignment and they've arranged it for Valentine's Day. I'm not going to be able to come back"

Tina stared at him in shock, not half believing what he was saying was true, she could feel the disappointment and sadness spreading through her body and she knew Mike could see it too. "But...We've had plans for so long"

"I know and I'm really sorry" Mike pleaded, "But you know this is out of my control"

Tina chewed her lip, she was disappointed and a bit angry, if he had known for a few days then why didn't he tell her sooner?

"Mike, if you knew a few days ago why didn't you just tell me? Instead of leaving it two days before Valentine's Day, it would have saved me the trouble of going through all of the effort to get these reservations, the restaurant is usually booked months in advance but I was able to use my Tina charm to get us a special table reserved"

Mike groaned, this is exactly what he didn't want, a Tina meltdown, he had to tread carefully over his next few words otherwise this would result in a crying girlfriend. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't want to upset you"

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