Wide Awake - Quinn and Finn

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The worst feeling in the world is when you can't love anyone else, because your heart still belongs to the one who broke it.

Quinn smiled softly as she watched Rachel and Jesse in the front, she wouldn't outright tell her that she was happy that she had finally met someone more suited to her, because that would just mean she would admit defeat to her insecurities of Rachel and cement the jealousy she held when Finn dated Rachel instead of her.

She glanced to her side and frowned as she saw the anger in Finn's eyes, he was sitting rigid in his seat and glaring directly into the back of Jesse's head, she sighed and shook her head. She should have known better, just when she was beginning to feel secure in her relationship again Finn had to start getting jealous of Rachel...again. How could he not see that she had moved on? And for real this time, not that he knew that, Rachel had ended up discussing this with her in the bathroom a mere few hours ago

"Rachel? Can we talk, please?" Quinn smiled sadly at the girl as she came out of the stall, she hadn't planned on waiting or anything but she heard the all too familiar under the breath singing that could only belong to Rachel, and she knew now was her chance to talk to her.

"Sure Quinn, what's up" Rachel smiled as she washed her hands, slightly shocked at why Quinn wanted to talk to her...And the fact she called her by her name

"I need to talk to you...About Finn" She watched as the smaller girl tensed up, finished washing her hands and drying them before meeting her eyes, but there was something different there that Quinn couldn't put her finger on.

"Okay, what's up with Finn?" She asked timidly, her show face on.

"It's just, we're together again, I didn't know if you knew that and I wanted to tell you just in case you didn't get the wrong idea about you and him getting back together...Like you's have in the past. It's just, this time I think it's really going to work with us, he's my first love Rachel, and I regret what I done with Puck, he knows that and we're working past our issues. And the whole situation with Sam aswell, that was just a mistake, it seemed like we never got our timing right. But I know how much you love him but...I think it's really over between you two, I thought I would spare you the embarrassment of being told in Glee club so you wouldn't throw one of your major Berry tantrums that we all know of.." Quinn trailed off, knowing that she was beginning to ramble, and pleasantly surprised that Rachel hadn't tried to cut her off. Maybe she was beginning to grow up.

Rachel watched the blonde speak and tried to fight the smile off her face, she knew long before Quinn that her and Finn's break up would be their last, she had finally realized that she had changed herself far too much for their relationship and in doing so sacrificed a better relationship with a certain curly-haired lead male of the rival show choir. Even though he egged her, but they worked past their issues and with him currently residing in Lima until Rachel graduated this year for them both to go to New York together, Rachel knew she had met her soulmate.

"Loved" She murmured softly

"What was that?" Quinn raised an eyebrow

"You said 'But I know how much you love him', you're wrong" Rachel smiled softly, "I loved him. Past tense. Believe me Quinn I knew that when me and Finn broke up those few months ago, I knew that was our final break up. It was actually me who broke up with him" Quinn's eyes widened, Finn hand't told her that.

"Wait, you broke it off with him?"

Rachel nodded, "I sacrificed too much for Finn, while he didn't sacrifice anything for me. I was changing all my life goals and dreams to suit him, he wanted me to put off New York for a year so he could go to LA with Puck to screen write or something" she laughed wistfully. "Anyway, I still am friends with Finn, but I have someone else in my life...Someone who I lost a chance with because I still had my moon/crazed eyes for Finn"

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