Quinn and Puck - A Baking Ritual

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Quinn stood in the home economics classroom as she counted out her ingredients and made sure she had enough to  bake enough cupcakes for the bake sale. Of course she was completely against Mr Schue's idea of selling buns and treats because honestly what high school teenager is going to buy buns from a bunch of teenagers in the Glee Club? Zero. That's how many it'll be. But even after the majority of the club disagreed with him, he still decided to go through with it. They just knew they would be even more of a laughing stock than they already were, but for Quinn being able to stand and have some time to herself was perfect. 

She no longer fit into her Cheerios outfit, not that it even mattered considering she was no longer on the time thanks to Coach Sylvester. But her burgeoning baby bump was now beginning to show through her normal clothes so over the weekend she attended the mall with her Mother and bought a few maternity items. She had never been more grateful to feel comfortable in her own clothes before. 

As Quinn laid out and prepared the ingredients she began humming idly to herself, occasionally shifting from foot to foot because her back was beginning to ache. What she didn't realise was that she had left the classroom door open and in the empty hallways her hum could be heard as it slightly echoed off the walls. Puck, of course, was the one to hear it. He followed the melodic sound until he found a peaceful looking Quinn standing on front of the desk, baking utensils and ingredients laid out on front of her. 

He leaned against the door and smirked, "I didn't even realise we had this classroom" He chuckled as he watched Quinn's back stiffen with the sound of his voice. He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the table, eyeing the various assortments of trays and utensils that littered the table. 

"What's all this"

Quinn couldn't help but smile, "It's ingredients for cupcakes. For the stupid bake sale" 

Puck nodded and continued watching as she laid various colours of cupcake wrappers. 

"Listen Quinn, can we talk?" 

"Not really Puck, I'm in the middle trying to make god knows how many cupcakes so now really isn't the time" She sighed, her eyes focused on the table but she could still feel the burn of his eyes on her. 

"Listen, I want to help with our child. If you're keeping it, I don't want to be a dead beat like my Dad. That's just now who I am, you can't deny me the right to see my kid. Please" 

Quinn sighed and allowed herself to look up at him, his eyes were full of sadness and some hope, she knew he was right. She couldn't deny him the right to see or care for their child if they decided to raise the baby themselves. It was just hard because she had fought for her relationship with Finn for so long and look where that ended up. She didn't want to be disappointed again. Without warning Puck took her hand and tucked in some dollar bills. She combed through them and raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. 


"I know it's not a lot, but it's what was left over from my pool cleaning money after I bought some dip and nun chucks. I don't want to ask how much Finn is giving you, or if he's even involved any longer. But it's a start and I want you to know that" Puck held onto her hand for a moment or two, enjoying the sensation of holding her hand. 

"Just stop about Finn, okay?" Quinn shook her head and tried to get back to her baking but the looming presence of Puck was distracting, especially the smell of his aftershave which was lingering in the air. 

"Look, I don't care if that baby comes out with a Mohawk or riding a motorcycle but my priority, if I decide to raise the baby, is that they are safe and loved. I don't want the baby being in danger"

"It won't be in danger with me" Puck assured her, sure he was a little dangerous and sometimes he let his anger get the best of him but he would never do anything to harm their child or put them in danger. "But" He continued, a smirk on his face. "It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a Mohawk"

Quinn rolled her eyes but couldn't help but grin at his comment, trust Puck to find the funny side. "You're such an egg head"

"No I'm not" He smirked almost as if he was challenging her

With no hesitation Quinn lifted an egg from the box and promptly cracked it over his head, giggling as the egg began to run down the side of his face. Puck looked at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes, he didn't hesitate a moment before he flicked flour over Quinn's hair. The two teenagers smiled at each other as the begun a full out food war. Quinn was having too much fun to even consider the waste of ingredients and she knew she would just have to do it all over again tomorrow but she didn't mind. For the first time in months she finally felt like a teenager again as she bombarded Puck with flour which was now coating his entire front half. 

When the hysteria died down and the ingredients dried out, the two looked at each other with triumph smiles on their faces, grateful for the minutes of solitude they gave themselves from the outside world. Quinn stood on her tiptoes and placed a chaste kiss on Puck's lips, she pulled away quickly before he could respond and headed towards the door. "Thanks Puck" She smiled and disappeared out of sight without another word. 

Puck was too stunned to respond after she had kissed him, sure it had been a brief kiss but it was a kiss nonetheless and that had went better than he had expected it to. He was waiting for her to refuse him, to chuck him out of the room as soon as he appeared but maybe, just maybe, she was grateful to have some company and to be able to take her mind off the impending birth of their baby. It was only when he came  back down from earth did he realise that she had left him with the clean up.

"Aw crap"

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