Alter-Ego - Rachel and Jesse

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Authors Note: Thanks to everyone for following and supporting this story! I appreciate all the comments and reviews on how much you are enjoying it. If you wish to request a one shot based on a pairing then just comment on the story or private message me. Just a slight warning for the story below is that there is some adult themes mentioned throughout the story. This is also quite a long part! I hope you enjoy it!

"Alright guys so this week's assignment is, drum roll please Finn" Mr Schue grinned as Finn rolled out a loud drum roll in the choir room. Both Rachel and Jesse had to fight the urge to roll their eyes but kept their best show faces on as they watched their coach write on the board.

"Alter-Egos" Mr Schue announced, spinning around to find a lot of confused faces staring at him.

"And what is the meaning meant to be behind this lesson?" Rachel asked, trying not to panic herself as she really did not have an alter ego, she had always preferred to be herself, no matter how many times she got slushied or bullied for how overconfident she was. She had just never felt the need to hide behind a persona that she didn't need.

"Thank you for asking Rachel" He smiled at her, "This weeks lesson is all about finding yourself and appreciating the different quirks and oddities that makes you, well you. I want you all to get out of your comfort zone, show us your alter ego if you have one or if you don't, then create one. It's all about showing your creativity and honing your skills as an artist. I want you all to have fun with this, and then at the end of the week we'll have a showcase of everyone's alter-egos. I want you all to surprise me"

With that the class finished and everyone slowly made their way out of the classroom, Rachel had grew worried and for once she was at a loss at what to do. Jesse, who had his arm wrapped lovingly around her waist felt her growing tense as they approached her locker. "Rach, you okay?"

Rachel sighed, he always was so observant. "Not really" She admitted, "I don't know what I'm going to do for this week's assignment. I don't have an alter ego Jesse. I'm just me. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I proudly show off that I'm a high maintenance, bossy and overconfident diva who knows she's going to be on Broadway one day. I don't need to hide behind someone I'm not"

Jesse stared at her for a moment before chuckling, "Rachel, you'll figure it out. I can help you if you want. You don't need to hide behind another personality because you're already amazing as you are, you don't need to change or be someone different. And I love you for that, I love how you're not afraid to show off who you are and you shouldn't be. Plus, as Mr Schu said if you don't have an alter ego then you can create one"

Rachel smiled her heart swelling with love as Jesse tried his best to reassure her. "Thanks Jesse, you're the best" She leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, giggling as she pulled away quickly and saw the pout on his face which confirmed that he hadn't wanted a slightly longer public display of affection.

"Tease" He pouted

"I try" Rachel grinned


The next day Rachel made sure she was at school before Jesse, usually they arrived at the same time so they could spend some time together before the beginning of their classes. But this time, she needed help from some of the girls of Glee and she wanted to make sure it was a surprise for Jesse. She had taken his advice to heart the previous day and now she was putting it to good use. She quickly made her way to the choir room and found the three people she had been looking for: Quinn, Santana and Brittany.

"Why did you need us here so early Berry?" Santana yawned.

"Because I need your help" Rachel admitted to the surprise of the three girls, "Look, I know that I usually don't ask for help and I assure you this time it won't lead to another Run Joey Run fiasco" She shivered at the thought. "I want to transform myself, I want to add another dimension to Rachel Berry and to do that, I need your help. You three are the most stylish girls at school and you all have..." She paused, her cheeks flushing red and for a moment she didn't want to say the words. But she had to, and she needed to become more mature and refined, she didn't want to be getting teased for not being able to say rude words.

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