Enter the Wolf

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Hey Guys, welcome to my first official book on Wattpad. This book is most likely going to suck but don't blame me it's my first time writing. The chapters will probably be kind of short so sorry if that annoys anyone but overall I hope you like it.

Enter the Wolf


I walked through the school doors like I did everyday. Same plain beige walls, same boring tiled floor, same everything. Yawn. As soon as I had reached my locker I heard two screeches behind me. I knew immediately who was standing behind me.

Alison and Clara, my best friends in the whole world. I commenced stuffing my satchel into the top shelf of my locker before i felt two hands grab my shoulder and spin me around. "Oh my god T, have you heard the news!" squealed Alison. Her dirty blond hair was bouncing around her head like they always did when she was exicted. "The Wolf is coming to our school! Really, he's coming here to our high school! Can you believe it?"

The Wolf was the top football player in the whole country. Our school had one of the best football teams in the country but it still wasn't one of my biggest concerns. My name is Tessa Green and I am an average 16 year old girl. I go to your average high school, I have ordinary parents with ordinary jobs and I have ordinary friends. Okay, the ordinary friends comment is stretching it a bit but overall they are pretty plain. Anyways, I am a normal girl and that's the way I like it.

"Yes Al, I have heard the news," I say, my voice coated with thinly veiled sarcasm "I just don't really care about it." I continue getting my books from my bag when Clara speaks "You may not care Tessa but the whole school is talking about it so you better get used to it. It's not like you can ignore the fact that one of the best, and cutest if i may say, football players is coming to our little school here."

I sighed before turning around. "I don't plan on ignoring it, I just don't plan on gossiping my head off about it like everyone else." To be honest, I don't see the point in all this fuss. Yes, Brent 'The Wolf' Wolf is coming to Easton High and yes, he is pretty cute but he's just another guy. 1 in over 7 billion people on this planet. Am I the only one who sees that? Everyone else just needs to calm down and get on with their lives.

Both Alison and Clara groaned at the same time. Let me tell you a few things about my best friends. Alison Gray is the most bubbly, happy person you will ever meet. She has long dirty blond hair down to her waist and bright blue eyes to match. If you didn't know her you would think she was a cheerleader or something.

She is the complete opposite to Clara Issac. Clara is usually a shy, quiet girl but like a bomb she could blow at any second. Clara is famous for her temper around our school. She has ink black hair in a pixie cut with forest green eyes. When I first meet her when we were 6, I thought she was a woodland fairy. Despite their differences they both , for some unknown reason, think that I need a boyfriend. I really don't know why, it's not like the world will end if i don't.

"Whatever you two. I have to get to English, I'll see you at lunch." Before either of them could protest, I slammed my locker door closed and started pushing myself through the flurry of other students trying to get to their classes. When I reached Mr Weston's classroom I threw my books down on the table and sat down. I was lucky enogh to have the only table in the room with no one sitting next to me. I was going through my French homework when someone came and sat down next to me.

I gave a quick glance up to see who the new kid was but looked back down when I realised who ever it was was staring at me. I was about to look again when Mr Weston started todays class. Mr Weston was the youngest and conciquently coolest teacher in the whole of Easton High school.

"Okay Guys, all of you probably know that we have a new student joining us today," Everyone perked up immediately, looking around for The Wolf whereas I just continued doodling in my notebook. "Mr Wolf, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" asked Mr Weston. I felt a stirring beside me but just chalked it down to someone trying to get first glimpse of The Wolf.

Suddenly the new kid next to me spoke. I couldn't believe it. I was sitting next to the schools newest big shot. My mouth practically dropoed when he stood up and turned to face everyone else. "Hey," he looked over at me and winked "I'm Brent Wolf."

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