6. Might as well go out in style

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They did dare. Every single lunch break after that day I was dragged to sit at the 'jock' table. Every single lunch break I tried to refuse and every single time I was thrown over a shoulder and carried to the same seat.

It has been going on for a week now and I've had enough. Taking a deep breath, I walked to their table as soon as I got my lunch. All heads immediately snapped to me with shock. I just continued to pick at my salad. "I don't know why I got a salad today. I hate the salads from our cafeteria, the lettuce is always soggy."

Sighing, I pushed it away and finally looked at the boys. They were still all looking at me but now they were grinning. "If you guys don't start talking to me I'll start eating your food. You know what I can do so if you actually want to, oh I don't know, eat today you'd better all hurry up."

The awed looks on all of their faces soon became feared. They all started hugging their trays of food to protect them from me. I burst out laughing at this action but still tried to grab at the unguarded areas of their plates.

"Ok, we'll talk just stop trying to steal my food!" Samuel said. I had finally stopped laughing when they put their trays back on the table. "Thank you, so what's with the stupid looks you're all giving me." Yeah, I'm was playing dumb but so what. It's not like it will make that much of a difference, right?

"It's  just that you're sitting with us." Chris stated. I made a confused face to keep up the act. Seeing my face, Alex added "Of your own free will." I somehow managed to conceal the smirk and keep it off my mouth. "Did I? Huh, I guess I did. Well I guess that means you don't have to drag me over here anymore and I won't have to sit with you guys and can go back to my friends at my normal table. Great. Thanks for the memories and food. Bye now."

As soon as I had said the last word I was standing up with Jacob's fries clutched in my hands. Turning as quickly as I could, I ran back to my normal table and dived into my seat. Looking up, both Ali and Clara were looking behind me.

I knew who was standing behind me before I turned around. All five of them were surrounding me from all sides, each holding their arms out to catch me if I tried to run. Damn, I'm screwed. Well might as well go out in style.

Standing up, I put my hands up in surrender. I saw each of them relax slightly and decided it was the time to strike. I leapt from my position and slid through the gap between Brent's legs, somehow making it through.
Scrambling to my feet, I sprinted in the direction of the cafeteria doors. I heard the footsteps and laughter behind me but it just made me run faster.

Soon enough, I burst through the doors and kept running down the corridor to my next class. As I ran down the corridor to my history class, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a bathroom I was passing. I came face to face with the one girl I wanted to punch.

One thing you should know about me is that I am easily angered. I can go off on anyone about anything based on whether or not I like them. Rude to me before? Get ready for a verbal smack down. But I never want to punch someone. I may want to smack them round the face with a chair but never punch.

"What do you want Amber? I've got to get to class." She hadn't even spoken yet and I was annoyed. "Listen bitch. Stay away from Brent, he's mine. He may not know it yet but he is and he doesn't need you throwing yourself at him everyday. Got it?"

I stared at her for a good thirty seconds before bursting out laughing. He's hers! That's the biggest load of bull that I've heard in a long time. Me, throwing myself at him! Wiping a tear away from my eye, I looked up to see Amber looking at me with furious yet shocked eyes.

"Sorry Ambitch, it's just that what you just said is the funniest things I have heard in a long time. But I really have to get back to class, wouldn't want to end up like you, would I?" Still laughing softly, I walked to the door smirking at my comeback.

I'll admit it wasn't the best thing I could have come up with but it had the desired effect so I was happy. "Yeah Tessa, wouldn't want to end up like me and Shane, right?" I stopped cold, a single tear rolling down my cheek. Why did she have to bring up him of all people?

I was pretty sure Amber knew she had gotten to me but I would not let her have something over me. Not bothering to turn my head I whispered loud enough for anyone close enough to hear "Why would I want to be like either of you? A heartless bastard or the reason he's dead."

More tears threatens to fall but I held them in until I got out of the door. As soon as it closed, I slid down the wall and sobbed silently. You know how people say when someone cries silently it's not for attention but it's because they can't keep it in anymore? That is exactly how I felt, sitting alone in a school corridor.

At least I though I was alone until I heard someone saying my name. I looked up slowly to see Brent, Chris, Alex, Jacob and Samuel standing around me with worried expressions. Kneeling down to my level they all helped me to stand while dragging me out of the building.

I didn't even care but I couldn't stay there anymore, it was like I was in a trance or something. My eyes were out of focus and the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop, like I was in my own personal bubble. I felt my self being sat down in what must have been a car. Refocusing my eyes, I looked around to see the guys around me again.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by someone. "Before you say anything Tess, we heard what Amber said to you in the bathroom. We just want to know one thing an you don't have to answer anything else. Who is Shane?" I felt all their eyes on me and with that, my bubble popped and the darkness closed in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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