No way in hell

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Did he really just do that?! Why was he winking and who did he think he was winking at! He probably thinks I'm another slut who wants him at the drop of a hat. My eyes narrowed of their own accord but I did nothing to stop them.
I could tell he was confused by this sudden burst of hatred but I didn't care in the least. Who does he think he is?

"Ok guys. He may be the best football player around but it doesn't mean he's going to get any special treatment. You can sit down now Mr Wolf." After getting the class to settle down, the actual lesson finally began.
I completely zoned out in the middle of Mr Weston's lecture. I started day dreaming about the songs I would start playing when I got home. I had just learnt how to play 'Miss Atomic Bomb' on my guitar it was one of my favourite songs by The Killers. without realising it, I started humming and quietly singing under my breath.

"Hey, are you singing Miss Atomic Bomb? It's a great song, isn't it?" Someone had just spoken beside me. "Yeah, it's really good. It's ..." I had just started speaking when I remembered who I was sat next to. Slowly turning my head, I saw emerald green eyes staring back at me. it was true. Brent Wolf was definitely cute, I might even go as far as to say he was hot.

With dark brown curls that looked effortlessly messed up and full red lips he could have been a god but his eyes were the best part. Twinkling like the gems they were coloured to resemble. He may be good looking but knowing his type he won't know anything. Just like the rest of the jocks in this school, he only has two areas of knowledge: flirting and football. I'm guessing right now he's using the flirting part of his walnut sized brain.

"It's what?" He asked. Brent seemed like the persistent type, he won't give up that easily. "It's really good." I say, hoping that this will end the conversation. Brent doesn't say anything for a minute but soon enough he had started asking me random things about myself. What's your name? Where do you live? What's your family like? question after question was thrown at me.

I barely had time to scoff in reply before Mr Weston announced that we would be doing projects. I'm not going to exaggerate. I do okay in class but I excel in projects. I had already started planning out the whole thing when the-now worst ever-teacher said that we would be working with person next to us. My  bubble of happiness burst immediately. I have to work with The Wolf.

Most girls , no every girl in the school would die for the chance to have that happen. Every girl except for me that is. I let out a long sigh at the news. "Hey, I have practice all week so I won't be able to do the work. Do you think you could do it but say we both did it? I'll make it up to you, I swear." I whipped my head round to see one of the most beautiful smiles on Brent's perfect face. Not.

The boy was smiling and it was the type of smile that would probably make the female population melt like butter in a hot pan but it just made me hate him more. Did he seriously think that I would do all the work but give him half credit?! Just the thought made my blood boil. "No, I won't do your work for you! I don't care if your practice lasts forever, you can do your share and I'll do mine." I spit out venomously. The nerve of this boy, I swear. The smile was instantly wiped off him face.

Obviously no girl had ever turned down his charms. I almost laughed at the look on his face. He looked like a lost puppy. Brent's mouth had just opened to speak when the shrill ring of the bell signalling that we should move to our next class rang out, effectively cutting him off. I gathered my stuff and ran out of the class as quickly as possible. I spared a glance over my shoulder to see Brent still sitting there, look at me dumbfounded. There's no way in hell I'm doing anything to help that guy.
Hey guys! So sorry this took so long but at least I updated. hope you liked this chapter, and again sorry it's so short. It looks like so much more while I'm writing.

The Game Plan - On Holdحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن