Ok Freaking Awesome

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I'm not the best looking girl in the world. Sure, people may say that I'm beautiful but that's just them being nice. I have plain wavy dark brown hair with partial red-ish highlights. People always ask me where I get my hair done because they love my highlights, it happens so often that I've given up telling them it's natural and just smile and nod.

My eyes aren't much more exciting apart from the fact that they don't really match my hair color like most eyes do. My eyes are a sort of earth color, blue and green. In the right light they have little gold flakes in them but whenever I look I can't seem to see them...it's actually kind of annoying. People say that my eyes make me special but I don't really get how.

I have an ok body, I don't have a hourglass figure but I'm not a twig. My clothes aren't revealing or slutty like the rest of the girls at this school. My daily dress code consists of jeans, my converse and whatever shirt I feel like wearing on that particular day. So, like I said, I'm not the most beautiful girl in the world; let alone the school.

So why exactly has 'The Wolf', the most popular boy in school (even though he only got here, like, 3 hours ago) following me around for those 3 hours? I have no idea. I decided not to be bothered by it so I went to my locker, where 'surprise surprise' Ali and Clara were waiting for me. After years of being friends with these girls, I've picked up a thing or two. Both of them were frantically whispering to each other while searching the crowd, most likely for me. I had to approach with caution.

Sneaking up to the wall opposite my locker, I snaked my way through the crowd until I was right next to my friends. As casually as I could manage, I greeted my friends. "Hey guys, what's up?" Alison and Clara spun round so quickly I thought their heads would fall off. "What's up? WHAT'S UP?! You sit next to the hottest boy in school and all you can say is what's up! Tell us everything! What's he like? Is he really as hot as they say? What does he smell like? We need details!" Questions were being thrown at me by both Alison and Clara.

They were coming so quickly I didn't have time to process all of them."Calm down you guys! You know I don't care about it. But to answer your questions, he's ok." I realized that both of the girls in front of me were practically paralyzed with shock.

I knew I had just started World War 3 but instead of countries fighting it was me verses my best friends in a battle of fangirling. "Ok? If by ok you meant OK FREAKING AWESOME,"Alison was practically screaming now, I swear she was shaking the hallway "Then yes, Brent Wolf is ok."

Everyone around us was staring now but to be perfectly honest, I didn't give a crap. I just wanted to get to my next class without my friends trying to lecture me about the joy that is Brent Wolf. "Fine. Whatever. He's better than ok. Can I get to my locker now?" I asked hopefully. Clara and Alison shared a look but moved aside none the less. "Thank you," shoving my old books into my locker and taking out the ones I would need for the rest of this boring-as-hell day, I turned to my friends again "Now I bid you ado as I have a class to get to."

Sliding past my friends, I heard Clara shout after me "Did you really just say 'ado' in a sentence? What are you, a Victorian gentleman?" I spun on my heels but continued to walk backwards "Yes. But you my dear friends are a scoundrel and a rake. Decide among yourselves who is..." I didn't get to finish my sentence as I had just bumped into someone behind me.

I felt myself falling to the ground but as I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, I felt myself being caught by something. Suddenly, I felt a warmth on my back and arms. I opened my eyes to see bright green ones staring back at me. I had been caught by Brent Wolf, one of the most annoying boys I didn't know, but I wasn't squirming like I thought I would. I was lost in his eyes.

Wait what?! I tried to stand up but he wouldn't let me up. His arm was around my waist pinning me to him. A long breath blown into my ear snapped me out of my thoughts. "So," he whispered, just low enough so I could here "You think I'm better than ok?" God damn it.


Hey Guys! Two updates so close together... Record! Just kidding, this is my first book after all. Hope you liked it!

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