5. You wouldn't dare

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He's my flipping neighbour! Why must fate always play me like this! Sighing deeply, I turn back to face Brent. "Well, isn't that just fan-flipping-tactic! I'm soooo excited to live next to you for the rest of my school life!"

By the end of my little speech I was practically squealing, sarcasm dripping from my every word. When Brent started smirking I was tempted to jump over the oak fence separating our front gardens and slap it off his face.

I just knew I wouldn't like whatever he said next but I acted interested and smiled back at him, not a genuine smile but not exactly a smirk. "Oh really," Brent's amused face almost made me burst out laughing but I knew his answer would be better. "Well babe, I know that if you keep your curtains open when you get changed like you have for the past few days, I'm going to love living next to you as well."

My jaw dropped. Holy crap! I left my curtains open because no one had occupied the room across from mine for at least a year. I was speechless, and let me tell you that doesn't happen often, but then I realised that my curtains had been closed since the incident. being the tease that I am, I decided to play along.

I gestured with my index finger for him to come up to the fence I had unconsciously approached, watching him with my best sexy look as he slowly walked over until he was standing directly in front of me. Standing in my tiptoes, I leaned over the fence to kiss his tanned cheek softly.

Slowly making my way to a soft spot near his ear, I heard a low groan sound from his throat. 'It's working.' I thought to myself, smirking. When I finally made my way to his ear, I decided to tease him just a little bit more. "Did you want to see again?" Leaning back, I looked in his eyes to see them clouded over with lust and... something else? I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I stepped back, my little game ending. Another groan of protest escaped Brent when I backed away but he still nodded like there was no tomorrow. "Guess you should've taken a photo then. See you later, Wolfie boy." I heard a low growl when I had called that back at him over my shoulder.

Laughing to myself, I stopped my triumphant walk to shout "And don't forget about the library tomorrow!" Walking up the steps to my house, I heard another growl come from Brent but didn't turn back. Wow. I must really have done a number on him.
Brent's POV

What the hell just happened! I can't believe she just did that. One second I'm teasing Tessa about living next to her, the next she's teasing me but in a better way. For me at least. Her little, feather kisses along my cheek and ear were enough to drive me insane. Damn she's hot.

How am I ever meant to forget that.
Her abrupt exit made me growl like a retard. I don't know why but when she was kissing me I felt like the King of the world. I wonder what it would feel like to have her kiss me on the lips...

No. I have to stop the voice in my head before I get carried away. You'll have to see her tomorrow. And the day after that for the rest of your life in this town. Damn, how could I forget something like that. Well, if I have to see her I might as well make it fun...
Tessa's POV ~ Next day

Today started off as normal as any other day. I got up at 7:00, got dressed and rushed out the door with an apple and some juice to meet Ali and Clara so they could drive me to school. We all went to our locker which, luckily, happened to be next to each others.

Nothing even remotely interesting happened until lunch. My friends and I had just sat in the cafeteria with our food when my name was called from across the tables. Not bothering to look up, I kept eating my cheeseburger like it was the first thing I had eaten in weeks.

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