4. Because I Mind

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"W-what do you mean?" I was trying to sound as confident and uncaring as possible but it came out as more of a shaky whisper. A smirk appeared on Brent's face making me want to punch him. "You know what I mean beautiful," this guy was seriously getting on my nerves when I realised that he still hadn't let me get up "You said I was better than ok remember it, or should I shout down the hall to your friends and ask them if they remember?"

As I frantically tried to wiggle my way out of his death grip around my waist I felt a sudden urge to hit something. Feeling the scowl on my face grow, I formulated a plan to get my revenge. I stopped struggling to get free, obviously surprising the oaf on top of me. Putting my best sad face, I looked up at a shocked Brent.

"I guess I'm going to be late again. I can't be late, if I am my parents will be so disappointed they might not let me see my dog for a week!"
I was pretty sure I looked close to crying from the guilty look on Brent's face. I don't even had a dog you idiot! Come on! How stupid can you be!

Sometimes I amaze even myself. I was snapped out of my self-amazement by a weight being lifted off my body. It worked. It actually worked. Pushing myself off the floor, I smirked at a still-shocked looking Brent standing in front of me. "Thanks bro. You were crushing me. See you in English." I spun on my heel to start walking away when I remembered the project and a chance to annoy this guy even more.

Turning around again to see that emerald green eyes had been boring into the back of my head.
"Actually, we need to plan this project. I'll see you tomorrow in the library at free period." With that I turned again to start walking back to my next class with the last trickles of people. "Oh, and one last thing. Never call me beautiful." I called back without turning around in any way.

I started stalking off to my Algebra class smiling to myself. before I reached the door I heard someone shout "Well if you told me your name, I wouldn't have to." Fighting to keep my smile from getting any bigger, I whispered "Maybe Wolf, maybe."

The rest of my day blurred together into a big ball of absolute boredom. Class after class started and finished until I only had one left: English. Damn. I was stuck yet again next to the supremely obnoxious Brent Wolf. Bloody fantastic. I trudged into the classroom like a solider going to war, trying to keep my head down so no one would pay attention to me.

Reaching my desk, I saw the biggest slut in school in my chair. I'm not even joking, she has been with every guy that goes to this school. and to top it all off she even dresses like a slut but acts like it's classy. Mini skirts that barely cover her ass, crop tops with dangerously low neck lines and heels so high I'm pretty sure she can touch the ceilings in all the classrooms.

Her face is caked in a new shade of makeup everyday that kind of makes her look like a walking tangerine with bleached blonde hair to compete the look. Everyone knows she is a bitch but no one has ever said anything to her face...only behind her back.

A high pitched giggle reached my ears snapping me out of my thoughts. Amber Mills was laughing at something Brent had said while he looked kind of uncomfortable. I finally got my thoughts in order and decided to speak. "Um, why are you in my seat Amber?"

Her head snapped to me as she gave me her sickly sweet, super fake smile. "One sec darling, I was just asking Brent something," turning back to Brent she gave him a 'Can you believe this girl' look and started talking again "So as I was saying before we were interrupted, I was thinking we could do something later during the free period. It would be fun right?" As she finished her sentence, I resisted the urge to gag. This guy has only been here for a day and you're already throwing yourself at him? Wow just wow.

It was then that I realised that I had told him to come to the library so we could work on this project. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Now I'm gonna have to do the work by myself. Absolutely bloody brilliant. Note the sarcasm. Just as I was thinking of how to do all the work in time, Brent decided to speak up for the first time since I came into this hell of a classroom. "No thanks, I can't. I've got to do my project with Tessa here."

Both heads turned to face me; Amber's clouded with confusion and Brent's with amusement. "Well I'm sure she won't mind, will you Tessie?" This made my blood boil. no one calls me Tessie not since he died. No one ever. "Actually Ambbie, yeah I do mind. He is going to help with this bloody project because I mind; you will never, and I mean NEVER call me Tessie again because I mind and you are going to piss off out of my seat and not come back because I fucking mind!"

The words were almost flying out of mouth now but I didn't care. I was pissed beyond belief and this is what happens when I get like this. She's lucky I haven't punched her yet, that's what happened to the last kid. Slowly calming down, I realised that we had attracted a crowd.

Everyone's faces looked different; some were scared, some were amused and some were shocked, with Amber's being the latter. It was also then that I realised Mr Weston had come in about half way through my rampage and was looking at me stunned. I expected to get a detention or shouted at but then I realised, I had already told him about the whole Tessie thing and somehow he understood.

He just looked at me, asking if I wanted some time to cool down before I started the lesson. Sighing, I nodded and he just shrugged as I walked to the door. "Wait," I spun on my heels to see Brent jump out of his chair and race towards me. What's he doing? "Do you need a ride? I'm sure Mr Weston would be ok with it." I just shrugged and walked out the door feeling every pair of eyes on me as I left.

I heard footsteps followings and felt an arm droop over my shoulder. My head snapped round to see Brent's green eyes. I wasn't in the mood to talk so I just kept walking, his arm on my shoulders, to the school doors.

I couldn't believe what he did next. He lead me to a 1967 Ford Mustang in black. It was my dream car. I was pretty sure my face showed it too as a trade mark smirk grew on Brent's mouth. "Are you going to get in or just stare at my car all day?" My awed expression quickly turned into a scowl as I swung myself into the passenger seat.

Brent started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot. When we were a good distance away from school, the unasked question was asked. "Why'd you get so mad at Ashley for calling you Tessie?" The name made me flinch but o recovered fast enough to avoid more questions. "Because," was my answer, short and not-so-sweet. "And by the way her name is Amber, not Ashley." it seemed like he could sense my discomforts she didn't ask anymore questions or try to make small talk the whole rest of the way back to my house.

We both got out and I started walking up to my front door. I turned around to see Brent in the drive way of the house next door. "Where are going? My house is this one." I stated. I wasn't in the mood for a smart come back but what he said next stunned me. "Yeah, but my house is this one. I guess we're neighbours."

Ok guys, I know this chapter most likely sucks but hey I wrote this at 1 in the morning so what are you gonna do? Anyways, thanks for reading it!
And sorry about the swearing, I couldn't think of any other words to use.

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