Chapter 2

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 'Larry is sitting on a bank of river and staring at the sky. Suddenly, a bloody dead body floats towards him. He gets afraid and started screaming because that body was headless, handless and legless. That body says, "Don't be afraid. I need your help. Please help me."
         Larry listens to nothing and starts running. But, he slipped and fell down. When he looks behind, he sees that body was still stalking him. Larry's scream mixed with the air.'

        Larry wakes up from his dream, and he notices a note in his hand. He opens the note and sees there was written 'help me' with blood. Being afraid, he throws the note away. And, when he comes out from the washroom, the note had already disappeared.

As for the first time he was going through some horrible experiences, he was afraid. But now, he understands, there must be some reasons behind this. He bites his lower lip and starts thinking about everything from the beginning.
        Larry realizes that all of these are about the disappearance of things. As he is confused about why these things are happening to him, he decides to talk with Chris.

         He quickly gets ready and locks his house. He walks all the way to his college, thinking about his dream. As always, he sees Chris is sitting on the last bench, but today he is happy.

        Larry sits with him and asks, "Will you be able to go somewhere after college? I've some serious talk with you." Chris thinks for a while. "What about your parents? Won't they tell anything?" he asks.

"They went to my village to see my grandma."

"Okay, then. I have no problem," Chris replies with a small smile.

        Larry asks him the same question that Chris asked him. Chris replies with a sarcastic smirk, "As if they care about me." Larry stares at him, confused.

        When the teacher comes, Chris opens his book, and he notices the letters on the notebook aren't there anymore. A message appears written with blood. "So, you are not going there today?" Chris reads under his breath. "No. I'll not go there. You know the reason better than me," he replies.

          The writing on the notebook appears again, leaving the message out of sight as it vanished. The teacher asks with his furrowed eyebrows, "Whom were you talking with?" Chris replies with a smile, "No-one." Larry notices everything, silently and then pays attention to the class.


       "Yesterday you were asking me, how many times you have to tell me, to stay away from you. But, today I'm asking to you, how many times do I need to told you, to stay away from me.
          If you just keep bullying me, then you all are gonna die and then, you can't blame me because I have already warned you," Chris says in an annoyed voice to Jack, Paul and Noah. They again come to them, when Chris and Larry are taking lunch.

Jack says, "Actually, we're not here to bother you."

Larry asks, "Then why are you here?" "Come on dude! We're your friends, then why are you asking this?" Noah's question. Paul gestures him to stop as Jack was trying to say something.

       Jack says to Chris in a calm voice, "Look, we're here to say sorry. We felt terrible about what we had done with you. Can you please forgive us?" Chris smiles and says, "Of course, why not?" Paul asks, "If you don't mind, may we sit with you two and have lunch?" Larry says, "Yeah, you may."

        They all have their seat, and then Larry says, "Bro, I don't know why, but I just can't trust you. What if you just came here to bully Chris?"

        Jack smiles and says, "I know, you're not gonna believe this. But, we've really changed our minds. No-one would believe us, after what we've done to you." Noah says to him, "Jack, you don't have to hesitate. Tell them the truth."

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