Chapter 3

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Larry is sitting alone as people pass by him. He looked around, searching for Chris.

Jack asks, "Hey, who are you looking for?"

Noah says, "You never sat alone for a day in your life. Then why are you sitting today?"

"Because I have to talk with Chris. It's so urgent."

Just then, Chris enters the classroom and says, "Wow! Someone is looking for me!"

Larry says to him, "Sit here. I have to talk to you. It's serious."

Chris furrows his eyebrows and sits down. "What happened? You look so tensed."

"Ask me what did not happen. Everything is not going normal after the moment I met you. Yesterday, when I was going home, that aroma was bothering me. A rose fell, and I heard an evil laugh." Larry stops after saying everything without breathing.

Chris asks in a surprised voice, "Rose?"

Larry says, "Yeah! Rose. Let me take that out." He digs in his bag and he gets shocked. Nothing was there. The rose wasn't there like he didn't put it there to show it to Chris.

He nearly shouts, "What the hell is going on here?!"

"What happened now?" Chris asks, frowning.

"I kept that shitty thing in my bag before going to sleep. And, I... I also had checked that in the morning. But now it's not there," Larry says, trembling in anger.

"Give me your bag. I'll check if there is anything."

Larry gives it with an annoyed face. "Did you keep that here?" pointing to a place Chris asks.

 Larry says in an annoyed voice, "Yeah. But that makes no sense."

         Chris pulls out a note with a smile on his face. He says, opening the note, "You shouldn't do this to him. Larry is not familiar with your stra-" He stops, seeing the message and then gives that to Larry.

      Larry reads louder, "You're doing a great job. Keep searching. Find out who I am. But, remember Father's words LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP AND BE CAREFUL!"

       As usual, the message is written with blood. Larry becomes confused and curious. He asks to Chris, "Can you explain this?"

"She is congratulating you and alerting you. I think she is indirectly telling you to do what you had thought."

        He just finishes his sentence and just then a note falls from the top on Chris's lap. Chris opens it and reads with a smile, "How do you become so clever? Hah? Well, it's good for you and for your friend too."

      Jack, Noah and Paul stare at them in confusion. When the teacher enters the class, all of them become silent and do the class with proper attention.

      When Larry and Chris are about to leave the class, Larry's phone rings. He picks the phone and says, "Hello, Mom. How you guys are doing?"

"We're well. How are you doing?"

      Larry replies with a hesitated smile, "I'm pretty well. How's grandma?" 

Mrs. Jones says in an excited voice, "You won't believe this, Larry. She got magically well after seeing us. I can't understand anything."

"It's the magic of seeing children. So, when will you be coming back?"

"We'll be back after a few days. Your dad doesn't want to go now."

"Hmm. Mom, please let Dad know that I'm going to a village for an important work with my friends."

"Okay. I'll let him know." She hangs up the phone as Mr. Jones calls her.

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