Chapter 4

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T/W: This chapter contains mention of rape, abuse and blood.

A boy of ten years old is walking on the street. He comes out in this midnight, just for fun.

       Suddenly, he feels someone is stalking him. He runs to his house which was so far. When he is almost near of his house, a giant bird takes him away and flies to the woods.

       The bird twists his neck and sucks his blood. After that, it eats the flesh and flies away, leaving the skeleton in the woods. The bird was so happy because it had a delicious dinner.

But, in that boy's house, his elder sister is lying in the yard, unconscious.

       Her parents come to her and when she wakes up, she says in a fearful voice, "M..m.. mumma, p..p.. papa. S.. she took my lil bro away. He is no more in this world. I saw he was coming towards the house, but then she took him away in the disguise of a giant bird. Papa, I'll not stay here anymore. P.. please take me somewhere. Please... pleasee." She sobbed with tears in her eyes.

      Her parents got afraid and sobs because they lost their son. They took her to her room and thinks to leave the village tomorrow morning.

      The giant bird was none other than Rica Zaiden! Hearing all of their words, she smiles and her smile means she is also going to do something horrible with the sister, no matter wherever they hide from her.


"Hey, lazy boys! Wake up!" Larry calls Paul, Noah and Chris, making a sound with a plate and a spoon.

       All of them blink once and then again falls asleep again. Larry says with a smirk, "Okay, then I'm gonna eat those pancakes, waffles and shakes all alone."

       Paul jumps off the bed and runs to the washroom, because he is a foodie boy. Chris yawns and says, "I don't care, because I have eaten a lot." Paul says, "Well, I care, because I go wherever food goes."

While taking breakfast, Chris asks Larry, "Do we need to go to that palace again?"

Larry says, "Nope. We have another work today."

         He goes to their room and shows them the puzzles. Larry says, "I think we can open the diary if we solve the puzzles."

Noah asks, "What do you mean? We can open the diary with a key, not solving some puzzles."

"This diary is password encrypted," Larry says, biting his lip.

"Shit, I want a diary like that. Throw my life in pages and no one can see it."

       Just then, Sarah's father calls them. All of them rush to him. Sarah's father says, "Larry, what about we go somewhere else today?"

Larry says, "I'm so sorry, uncle. But, we have an important work today. So, I'm gonna go upstairs."

         He goes upstairs and Paul, Noah and Chris follow him. He half-lies on the bed and says, "We'll be able to unlock the diary with a specific word and we'll get that word through these puzzles. So, try to make a word with D, M, U, R & E."

He finds these specific letters among many unnecessary puzzles.

       All of them sink in thinking, but no one can't find out anything. Noah says, "Larry, we can't create a word with these letters. I think something is missing."

       Larry says, biting his lip, "Maybe you're right. Well, then try adding one R. Maybe, if our luck favors us, we'll find out the word."

      Everyone again sinks in thinking and after some moments, Paul shouts in an excited voice, "If we add one R then, it'll be,,,"

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