Through the wire

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Ao3: Awriterwrites


"Mate. He's like. I don't know how to describe it." Liam's voice was on edge, a tremble in it that indicated he was either very nervous or extremely excited; unsure of what to do next. It was probably both.

All Harry could think about was LouisLouisLouis. He needed him so badly his body ached with it. His skin was crawling and his entire body felt explosive, ready to ignite at the slightest touch.

"Ok. Li? This is what you are going to do..." Louis took a deep breath, the intake of air audible through the wire, as he prepared to guide Liam through what was probably going to be the strangest most erotic, and possibly most awkward experience of his life.

Work Text:


In certain circles this might be considered avant-garde. Risqué, even.

But in Harry's circle it was pretty much just pathetic. By circle, Harry means in his own head, because, really HE is his own circle. Which...doesn't even make sense. Point being, Harry's own head is swimming in doubt and lust right now. Mostly lust. The feeling like being drunk without the magic of bitter spirits or sweet lazy wine swirling in a cup. The woozy feeling of just floating, floating, floating, untethered and spiraling. Needing something, anything to tie him down to the earth.

Anything meaning an alpha.

How he fucked this up is anyone's guess.

"Babe. Just let me take care of you."

Liam's voice was honey smooth, so gentle, kind and soft. But it wasn't Louis'. Louis' voice was everything Liam's wasn't. Louis' voice was like maple tree bark peeling in an autumn sunlight flooded field. His voice was like a smooth cool stone sinking deep, deep into the inky blue-black sea. Cool and rough, with a crystal blue edge to it that tasted like salt water and sweet pearls of sugar crystallized at the end of a spoon. Louis' voice was the first thing Harry heard every morning and the last thing he heard every night.

Even when he was traveling. Which was now. Which wasn't entirely too convenient.

Dropping Louis at the airport last night felt like decades ago. The thing was, Harry's heat had been coming and going like clockwork over the past 5 years he and Louis had been mated. They could practically set their watches to it. But this time...for some reason this time had been different. Harry had been under a lot of stress. Launching a fragrance company will do that. And Louis had been maybe a little preoccupied trying to finish his latest album, so he may have missed a few signs. And they were both paying for it. Well, sort of. Although, from the looks of things, maybe Liam would be paying for it.

"Liam? Liam, what's happening?" Louis demanded, the harsh edge of his alpha tone raising the hackles at the back of Harry's neck.

Harry rolled on the mattress and purred like a fucking cat. A cat. What kind of werewolf purrs like a cat?

Apparently Harry does. He could see Liam lick his lips at the sound of it. The gravel in Harry's voice shooting through the room was rough and uneven as his hands roamed over his own body.

"Mate. He's like. I don't know how to describe it." Liam's voice was on edge, a tremble in it that indicated he was either very nervous or extremely excited; unsure of what to do next. It was probably both.

Harry's brain was addled as his large hands skittered down his sweaty torso, palms sliding over the ridges and curves of well-defined muscles that he'd spent years perfecting. He was vaguely aware of the conversation going on beside him, but his body felt like it was on fire. He was painfully hard and his nipples were practically throbbing with the need to be sucked. The sweet orchid like aroma of his slick clung to the air like raindrops sliding down the cool glass of window pane during a spring storm. The room was heavy with lust and nearly manic with Liam's indecision.

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