The lion man

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Louis is a vampire who loves tattoos and piercings as much as he loves a good feed. Harry is a biology student who gets dragged to a vampire bar (really, of all places) by his friends and happens to have blood that tastes like maraschino cherries. They're both a bit addicted and they're neither a bit ashamed.

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The fact that it was Niall and Zayn who suggested they come here probably should have alerted him to the fact that it was a stupid idea. These were the same boys who thought that it would be a good idea to do things like take an art history class together (Zayn was the only one to even pass, and that was barely) or sample one of everything at the open bar at Greg's wedding (they wound up in the bathroom of their shared room with Niall hunched over the toilet, Zayn hanging over the sink, and Harry draped over the side of the tub until the next afternoon). It wasn't that any of them were stupid, it was just that when the three put their heads together, all of their common sense seemed to die.

This latest idea started with Zayn and was quickly adopted by Niall, who was incapable of believing that anything born of Zayn's mind was anything less than perfect and marvelous. That had been the case since primary school and was only made worse by the fact that now they were dating and both basically the epitome of lovestruck fools. They were so grossly in love that when Zayn expressed interest in going to a gothic vampire-themed bar, of all places, Niall was nothing but enthusiastic. Which was all well and good as long as that was their thing that they did together, but now they want Harry to join and he's not enough in love with either of them to see that as anything better than sketchy at best.

"Can't we just go to a normal bar?" Harry sighs, knowing before he even begins that his protests will end fruitlessly. "That's not really, like, my scene."

"Well it's not like either of us walk around every day in full gothic getup and fake vampire fangs," Niall reasons. "That's why it's fun, because it's different and new. You can pretend to be someone you're not."

"But what if I like who I am? I don't want to be anyone else!"

Zayn chimes in at last, coming up to Harry and placing one calming hand on each shoulder. "H, babe, we're not trying to say you should be someone you're not. This is just a fun new environment, you know? Mixing things up. Get you out of your rut."

"What rut?" Harry says flatly.

The couple trades glances and Niall clears his throat a little nervously. "Well, we've just noticed, me and Zayn, that it's been while since you've, you know, gotten laid. And like. Maybe you would feel better if you did. More relaxed, less... stressed."

Harry should probably be greatly offended, both by the fact that they're paying that close attention to his sex life and that they think there's anything wrong with his mood, but the truth is they're all too right. The last time he'd gotten off with someone was that really terrible drunken blow job from that stranger at that party last semester, and truth be told he has been feeling pretty high strung lately. Like, snapping at his best mates kind of high-strung.

It's the guilt about that as much as the horniness that makes him shrug his acknowledgement. "So you don't just want me to go out with you, you want me to go out and pull."

"Basically, yeah," Zayn grins. "We love you, but yeah."

"And I can't do that at a normal bar because...?"

"You could, but we figured if you wanted to you already would have by now. Plus it's really easy to score a pull at this place. Everyone's horny and just wants to go home with someone while pretending there's this whole vampire thing going on."

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