Jump into heat

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Ao3: starryeyedkids


Harry is kneeling on the floor with his face towards the wall, the muscles of his back rippling when he shifts. Louis can make out the sheen of slick in his inner thighs.

Louis gets off his bed, and places his mobile on the nightstand with a clatter and then stretches with a groan. He grins when he sees that Harry tensed up in anticipation, his fingers clenching and unclenching behind his back.

"You're going to be a good boy, aren't you ? Be my good omega?" Louis says as he walks towards Harry.

Harry shivers and nods.

Work text:

Louis tries to concentrate on Liam's Snapchat, but his eyes keep flickering over to Harry. Who can blame him, really, when Harry is kneeling on the floor with his face towards the wall, the muscles of his back rippling when he shifts. Louis can make out the sheen of slick in his inner thighs. It's a sight that's far more appealing than Liam's burnt dinner.

Louis gets off his bed, and places his mobile on the nightstand with a clatter and then stretches with a groan. He grins when he sees that Harry tensed up in anticipation, his fingers clenching and unclenching behind his back. Louis walks towards him, and Harry's skin breaks out in goose bumps. Louis stands behind Harry, and puts his hands on his shoulders, then kneels until Harry relaxes slightly then he reaches down and tugs at the nipple clamps.

Harry wails and tips his head back. His eyes are squeezed shut and he's twitching, and Louis makes soothing, and bends down and kisses Harry's temple. He lifts his foot up and drags his big toe over Harry's inner thigh and, yes, Harry's leaking steadily now.

"Come on, get up, Haz. Let's move to the bed" Louis says, and helps Harry get up, and holding him steady when he stumbles a bit. "Easy," Louis says and kisses Harry's slack red mouth. Harry makes a pleased sound, and kisses back, and when he tries to grind his hips against Louis, Louis breaks the kiss.

"Harry, stop that," Louis says in a hard voice and Harry steps back.

"Lou, please," Harry says, hints of desperation threading his voice. Louis wants him completely recked though, so he flicks the clamps until Harry's squirming, and trying to get away.

"No. You're going to be a good boy, aren't you ? Be my good omega?" Louis says and cups Harry's face, and looks at him right in the eye. Harry licks his lips, nods, and Louis kisses him. He tries to walk them back to the bed while still kissing, and they end up in a tangle of limbs on the bed, and they giggle as they untangle themselves.

Lois stares down at Harry, and Harry squirms, cheeks reddening. Louis kisses between Harry's brow, sucks a mark on his jaw, and then nuzzles Harry's neck, breathing in his scent. Harry smells so delicious that Louis moans, and his cock begins to drip. Harry's scent is thick with arousal, and beneath that is Harry's sweet natural scent mingling with the smell of sweat, soap, and Louis. The primal, possessive part in Louis comes alive, and he pins down Harry's hips when Harry rolls his hips against Louis. Louis then nips at Harry's neck, marking him, and Harry keens at the tiny sparks of pain.

"You like that don't you?" Louis ask, which is pointless because judging by the sounds Harry is making, he obviously loves Louis' fingers bruising his hips, and the press of his teeth against his skin.

Harry answers though, and his voice is rough like gravel. "Yes. Love it so much. I love it when you mark me. Marked by my alpha" He purrs, and touches a mark that Louis has made reverently. Louis growls and Harry's lips curl up in a sharp, wanton smile.

Louis takes a deep breath and it is a mistake because the scent of Harry's arousal clouds his brain, reducing his thoughts to a jumble of 'Want, Mine, Harry, Harry, Harry.' The smell of Harry's slick overwhelms him, and a cursory swipe at Harry's hole leaves his finger wet and gleaming. Louis licks his finger, closing his eyes and groaning at how perfect Harry tastes, and when he opens his eyes and looks at Harry, Harry stares at him, his mouth slack, and his cheeks are dark red.

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