I'd Go Out Of My Way To Make Sure That You're Okay

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Ao3: littlepinkbow


This was for this prompt: "Harry's embarrassed about going into heat, but Louis decides it's up to him to teach Harry to be more open about what he wants."

Work Text:

Louis knew that when he and Harry moved in together it wouldn't be easy. He knew that when Harry went into heat it would be difficult, but he was prepared for it, he thought anyway. As an alpha, he should have been prepared for it, but he had a soft spot for Harry that went deep into his core and when Harry launched into one of his tirades, Louis often found it better to leave Harry alone. Harry had a way of complaining and shouting but never reaching an end goal; never knowing what it was that he wanted.

Sitting down at the table with his tea, Louis heard banging around in Harry's room and he pressed the lock button on his phone to check the date, his eyes rolling back slightly when he realised that if it wasn't today, it would be within the next few days that Harry would go into heat. He fired off a quick text to Zayn, the only person that Harry didn't scream at constantly when he was in heat, asking him to stop by the store and bring some food by so that he wouldn't have to leave the house for the next few days at least, until he got Harry calmed down.

"If you're texting someone to tell them I've gone into heat, stop." Harry said, his voice stroppy and annoyed as he made his way into the kitchen, sitting down uncomfortably on the chair across from Louis. "I don't know why you think it's everyone's business that I'm going into heat. It makes me miserable and uncomfortable that you've already been running your mouth."

Louis sighed as he looked at Harry, "I've not been running my mouth, I asked Zayn to bring some food by." He said matter-of-factly, not looking up at Harry because he wasn't interested in engaging the younger male. Louis was certain that a lot of Harry's attitude came from the fact that he denied himself the one thing he truly needed when he was in heat, an alpha to knot him, but there wasn't much Louis could change about Harry's opinion on that. Harry found the whole thing gross and a bit degrading and he had decided that he wouldn't have anything to do with an alpha.

"I don't know why you act like this every time that I am in heat. You treat me like a child and I can't stand it." Harry said petulantly, opening the refrigerator and looking inside before slamming the door shut and glaring over at Louis, "There's not even any food in here."

Louis took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to calm himself down. It really was a show of self control, Louis thought, that he didn't get up and throttle Harry right there on the spot. He sometimes thought the younger did things just to get Louis upset, but he wasn't going to let that bother him at the moment. "That is why I asked Zayn to bring food over. Is it possible for you to act like a normal human being for any length of time?" Louis kept his voice trained at a calm tone the entire time he spoke, shifting his focus back to his mug in front of him.

"You wake up in a wet bed with a boner for days and your whole body covered in sweat like you've just come home from the gym and tell me if you can be normal." Harry was nearly screeching by the end, not able to control his mood or emotions at all.

"Honestly if you just accepted who you are and embraced it you'd be a whole lot happier you know." Louis said, getting up from the table and sitting his mug in the sink before turning to look at Harry.

The look on Harry's face was incredulous to say the least, "Easy for you to say, you're the one sticking your dick in someone else!" Harry nearly shouting, not giving a bother to the kitchen window that was open just behind him. "I'm going back to bed, leave me alone." Harry finished, stomping back towards the steps for effect more than anything else.

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