Chapter 2- First Day

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*Your Pov*
*Alarm goes off* "UGHH it's way too early to be getting up" I huff. "Sissy, it's time to get up! You don't wanna be late on you're first day" my dad shouted. Shit. I have school.

I tiredly got up from my new bed, and decided to pick my outfit before I showered. This is what I picked out:

After picking that out, I hopped in the shower and sang my little heart out

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After picking that out, I hopped in the shower and sang my little heart out.

"🎶If we- tried that we could beeeee, somewhere the climate
Is warm, 'long as you around itttt
I swear that everything will be just fineeee🎶" -Oui by Jerimih

After about 30 minutes in the shower, it was probably time for me to get out if I wanted to put on some makeup.

I dried myself off, looking in the mirror. I didn't feel like styling my hair today, so I threw in some frizz cream, and scrunched in some mouse and left it down today. "Y/n! We're leaving in 10!" My dad yelled. Oh cmon. I didn't have time for a lot, so I threw on some mascara, lipgloss, and a tiny bit of eyeliner and highlighter.

Once done with my makeup, I got dressed into the outfit from earlier. "Damn I look good for once" I said to myself, checking myself out in the mirror. "Okay I should probably get going now, Mom and Dad are waiting." I said to myself. I made my way into the living room, where they were waiting. "You look so cute honey! Let's go though, we wouldn't want you to be late" my mom told me. I smiled in return.


I arrived at school, heading straight to the office for my schedule. "Hello Miss, how can I help you?" The nice office lady spoke. "Hi! I'm new here, so I need to pick up my schedule." I said, fiddling with my fingers. "Oh sure honey! What was your name?" The lady asked. "Y/n. Y/n L/n." I told her. "Here ya go honey!Do you need help getting around?" She asked. "No that's okay, I'll mange" I smiled. I took my schedule, and scoured the school for my first class. I was about to turn into my first class, when my face was met by someone's forehead. "Oh my god I'm so s-sorry!" A familiar voice said. "Nono it's okay, I ran into y-you" I stuttered. "Here you go-" "hey, you're the girl from Delmar's!" The familiar voice said. "Oh h-hey." I said, not sounding enthused. "What's your first class? I'm heading to calculus" he said to me. "Hey! Me too!" I said, smiling at him. "Well, let's go then" he smiled at me.

We entered the class, and sat beside each other. "Hey, I never got your name" the cute boy said. "Oh yeah- u-um I'm Y/n" I shyly looked away. "I'm Peter by the way" he smiled. "I assume you don't know many people.. w-wanna sit with me and my best friend, Ned, at lunch m-maybe?" He asked. He seemed so sweet and shy. He was adorable so of course I kindly accepted the offer. "Yeah sure" I said, not sounding too excited, a frown appearing on his face. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good with people, so please don't take it personal." I reassured him. "I would love to" I smiled.


I made it through my first 3 classes and then lunch came. I couldn't say I wasn't excited, but I was also very nervous. I scanned the lunch room for Peter, and found him and a very sweet looking boy with him. I approached the table, them ending their conversation. "Hey Y/n! I'm Ned. Peter was just telling me ALL about you" Ned said, very enthusiastic, Peter nudging him. I just smiled, not knowing what to say. "So, Y/n, are you into The Avengers, or any other super hero's?" Ned asked, smirking at Peter. I don't talk much, but when I do, I could go on and on and ON about The Avengers. Especially Spider-Man and Ironman and Thor of course. "I'm glad you asked. It's kind of weird and nerdy, but I really love Ironman and Thor, but my favorite is Spider-Man. He's so chill and seems so nice I love him so much and-" I stopped my rambling, realizing how much I was probably ticking them off. "S-Sorry, that was kind of a lot" i frowned, looking down at my fingers. "No no! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad-" Peter said. "No it's okay" I said, getting up to dump my tray. Instead of returning, I just made my way to my next class and sat there for the rest of lunch.

*Peter's Pov*
"Bro, what are you doing?! Go after her!" Ned protested. "I think I should give her a few minutes." I told him. I felt bad. I was to shocked about the way she rambled about me, which was AMAZING because she hasn't really talked all day. She seemed like more of the shy type. But she was so talkative about Spider-Man, which made me so happy.

*Your Pov*
I sat in the class, when I was interrupted by a voice talking to me. "What's up with you?" A girl asked. I quickly scanned the room, finding a tall female with long, curly, brown hair. She was really pretty, I couldn't lie. "Who, m-me?" I asked, not wanting to be talked to. "No, the cute boy behind you" she said. I quickly turned around, no one being there. She let out a laugh, me doing the same. "I think we have English together. I'm Michelle, but my friends call me Mj" she told me. I smiled, nodding. "And your name issss?" She asked, dragging out the word "is". "Right, sorry. Um, I'm Y/n. I'm new here" I told her. "Yeah I can tell. Well nice to meet you Y/n, I'll see you around" she waved, leaving the room. Wow, she seemed so nice and fun.


A few hours later, school was out, and I was on my way home. I stopped in my tracks, seeing THE one and only.. Spider-Man! Right in front of my two eyes. He swung down right in front of me. Standing there was my past, current, and future crush.. "Hello! You getting home safely?" He asked me. OMMGITSSPIDERMAN!!! (OMGITSROBERTDOWNEYJR) I was eternally melting. "Um yeah I'm alright! H-how's um.. your patrol going?" I asked. Omg what am I even saying. Who the fuck asks THE Spider-Man how he's doing?!. "It's pretty slow today. Not much to save. Mind if I walk you home?" He asked. What the actual fuck. I may be shy but I ain't fucking stupid, so of course I said yes. "That would be great" I smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up instantly.

The walk home was like a dream come true. I mean it was, but I never thought it would come true.

*Peter's Pov*
As I walked Y/n home in the suit, we were approaching my apartment complex. "Is this where you live?" I asked, nervously waiting for my answer. "Yep! Apartment 503" she replied. Oh. My. God. She's my neighbor. I mean we are a floor apart, but basically neighbors. May is gonna flip! And Ned.

I dropped her off, and went down a floor to tell May all about today. I can tell she's gonna be a good one...

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