Chapter 10- Kiss Kiss

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Wc: 1250

*Your Pov*
After being interrupted by Bruce Banner, Peter and I awkwardly sat there as Bruce doctored-up his wounds.

"Is that all?" Bruce asked. "Yeah that's it. Thank you so much Bruce" I smiled in awe. "Happy will drive you kids home. Take it easy" he told Peter and I.

After Happy drove Peter and I home, we hung out at his house. "Sooo..." I awkwardly said. "Sorry about earlier. I don't know why I did that" Peter apologized, looking quite nervous. "It's okay. I would do it again" I told him. Wow Y/n. YOU GO GIRLLL. I SEE YOU BEING BOLD!!! I often hyped myself up in my head. Peter gave me a 'did I hear that right' kind of glance. I mischievously smiled at him. "Peter. I tried to deny my feelings for you, just because we haven't known each other for long, but it's been long enough for me to accept the fact that I have a huge crush on you." I confessed my feelings for Peter, immediately regretting it. "Oh shit. I really just said tha-" Once again, my lips were greeted with the familiar pair on mine. I moved my mouth in sync with his, a gasp escaping my lips. I pulled a slight bit away to smile at him, before asking, "wanna go up to the roof?".  He smiled back, aggressively nodding towards me.

We left his room, trying to go to the roof, but May stopped us. "Where do you think you kids are going?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Just up to the roof!" Peter spat out. He quickly took my hand, pulling me out of the apartment.

After the elevator to the roof was all the way up, we sat on the edge of the building, admiring that beautiful skyline. "The view is beautiful" Pete said, smiling down at me. "Right" I said back. "You're my view" and with that, Peter held my waist tight, holding me close.

"You scared me earlier." I told him, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you everything sooner, but it puts you in danger if you know." Peter explained. I wasn't mad. I was more scared at what other bad fights Peter has tried to stop, and how bad his wounds have gotten. "I know. But if you are in any sort of trouble you can't get out of, tell me. There's not much I can do, especially compared to you, but I can be there for you" I held his hand, intertwining our fingers. He leaned his head on mine, pulling me even closer. I was basically on his lap at this point.

As our time on the roof flew by, we were shocked by May coming up. As the elevator door slid open, we turned around to see May. Neither of us really tried to hide the fact that we were extremely close. "I knew it" May said, squealing. Peter and I both laughed. "You should probably head home soon girly, your mom said she wanted you home tonight" May told me. "Okay" I replied.

May let me say by to Peter, but he just walked me to my door. "Bye Pete, I'll see you at school tomorrow" I smiled. He nodded. As I turned to open my door, I quickly turned back around, placing a quick kiss on his lips. He smiled into the kiss, same as me. "Night Y/n" he said, waving goodbye. I walked inside, startled by my mom watching me AGAIN. "So.. just a friend from school?" She smirked at me. She didn't really care if I dated anyone, she just wanted to be in the loop. "MOMMM" I yelled. "Fine. He's a little more than a friend" I smiled. "Go to bed girl. Tell me about it tomorrow, it's late" she said, booping my nose as she started to walk away.


*Next Morning: Peter's Pov*
I didn't get much sleep last night. My mind couldn't escape her. I tried to focus on getting ready for school, but my mind kept trailing back to her. "Long night?" May asked, winking at me. "Mayyyy. What did I say about winking at me" I laughed. "Get ready kid, I'm taking you today" she told me. I hurried on getting ready. Maybe I should try styling my hair today. I walked into the bathroom, staring at my bottle of gel. No I use that too much. Maybe I can just let my curls breathe today.

I decided on leaving my curls out today, and just wore my usual midtown hoodie and jeans. "May! I'm ready!" I yelled. "Okay, let's go!" She yelled back.

*Your Pov*
I tried to look somewhat cute today, so I decided on a cute outfit:

*Your Pov*I tried to look somewhat cute today, so I decided on a cute outfit:

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(I wore this with black platform Doc Martins)

My mom and dad both worked very early and late tonight, so I had to walk. I didn't really fee like walking in the platform shoes I had on, but I didn't really have any other options.


After getting to school, I just went straight to first period. I was a little early before the bell, but I didn't mind. I ended up scrolling on Instagram anyways. "H-hey Y/n" Peter said, taking his usual seat next to mine. "Hey Peter" I smiled back. "I love your hair like that" I complimented him. He looked surprise at my comment. "T-Thanks. You look really pretty" his face was really red by now. Mine was getting there. "Thank you" I blushed. "Ehem" the teacher cleared his throat. "Sorry sir." I said, embarrassed.


After class was over, Peter and Ned walked me to my next class, which I had with Michelle. Math. I wasn't terrible at math which was good, because some of the kids in my class are very advanced. Like Michelle. "I'll see you at lunch" I said to the two boys. They both nodded, walking away with a smile.

"So. I see you have a boyfriend. Only question is which one is it?" Michelle asked with one eyebrow raised. "I- what?! Um no, neither of them are my boyfriend. I actually don't have one" I said. I could feel my face heat up. "Mhm. Well then, which one do you like? I know which one likes you" she said. It felt nice to have a friend that I could rant to. "Well, I like Peter. The one with curly hair" I admitted. "Knew it. So have you guys kissed yet or?" She asked, winking at me. I laughed at her facial expressions. "Yes. Yes we have" I smiled thinking about him. "Girl, you're in looooove" she said.


*Peter's Pov: Beginning of Lunch*
"So have you guys kissed yet or?" Ned asked, winking at me. "What is it with people winking at me?! And yes. Yes we have." I smiled thinking about her. "Bro, you're in looooove" he said. Maybe. Who knows yet. "So have you asked her out yet?" Ned asked. I had a plan I came up with on the way to school. I was gonna buy her a necklace of her favorite flower, a daffodil. "No not yet. I was thinking maybe on our class trip, I could buy her a necklace of her favorite flower and give it to her somewhere nice and ask her to be my girlfr-" "Hey guys, whatcha talking about" Y/n sat next to me. "How long we're you standing there?!" I panicked...

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