Chapter 9- Who is He

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Wc: 1336

*Your Pov*
As Peter ran into the alleyway, I decided to be very quiet, and follow him. What the hell could he possibly be doing?

I tiptoed into the same alleyway he dipped into, only to find the one and only.. Spider-Man. Accept it was Peter. "Peter..?" I said. He whipped around, staring at me in complete and utter shock. "Y/n. You're not supposed to be here" he told me. "Peter, what's going on?" "I don't have time to explain, but go inside and find Ned. You have to trust me" he said. "No Peter. Tell me what's going on!" I raised my voice. "Damn it Y/n! Go inside and stay with Ned. Now!" He yelled at me. I turned around, and ran back to the restaurant to find Ned.

After meeting up with Ned, he didn't seem very shocked at what I told him. "Aren't you the slightest bit shocked?!" I frantically asked. "It's not a competition, but to be fair... I knew first" he said, with a tone of sass. "You knew? (I can't read this without hear Elena..) You knew?! This whooole time I talked about my crush to him.. it's him! He's the crush!" I panicked. "That's all you're thinking about?" He asked, surprised. "Well of course I'm shocked. I don't know what to say.. other than that is FUCKING AWESOME!" I shouted at end. "Shhhh!" Ned slapped his hand over my mouth. "Sorry" I whispered. "But is he gonna be okay?! He seemed really worried" I concerned. "I'm sure he's fine, it's not his first time-" Ned was cut off by a loud bang. I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't. "I have to find him! I'm sorry" I said, running out of the building. When I ran outside, my eyes were met by some guys holding advanced nanotech weapons. Shit. Where's Peter. I started to freak out, thinking if that bang hit Peter. "Oh come on Bug Boy, you can't be dead already.. I thought it'd take more than one shoot" one of the ugly ass skanks said. My heart started racing. I was terrified. I quietly snuck into the alleyway found Peter in earlier. I crept to the back of the alley, finding Peter, laying down hurt. "Oh my god, Pete-" he put he finger to his lips, shushing me. I tiptoed up to him, propping him up so I could carry him, piggyback style.

I carried him to the gender neutral bathroom, and set him in the floor. (Ew.) "What did those men do to you?!" I asked with a stern tone. "Y/n, I don't want you apart of all this. It's dangerous" he said, his voice cracking from the pain. "Peter. Look at me in the eyes... those men were trying to kill you. I don't know what you did, or have, but they aren't going to stop. So you need to tell me what those men want" I said.

As he started explaining what they wanted, I started to wash his cuts on his face. He had a bullet in his shoulder, so that prevented him from really being able to move it. "Is there somewhere I can take you where they can fix this? Can the hospital fix this?" I asked. I didn't know if he wanted his identity leaked, so that's why I asked. "Mr. Stark" he faintly said. "As in Tony Stark?" I asked. He nodded. "Karen, call Mr. Stark, emergency" he said. "Who's kare" "Calling Mr. Stark" it sounded like an AI spoke. It must be the AI in his suit.

After waiting like 5 more minutes, THE FREAKING TONY STARK WAS IN MY PRESENCE!! "Hey kid, what happened?" Tony asked. I assumed that he was talking to Peter, because he doesn't even know me. "So are you gonna tell me what happened or?" He said with a sarcastic tone, looking me in the eyes. "Oh, m-me?" I stuttered. "Oh, y-yes" he said, mocking my stutter. "Well the guys with some weird looking nanotech weapons tried killing Peter. They shot his left shoulder, and the bullet is still there" I explained. "Alright, up up" he said, lifting Peter in his arms. "C'mon, let's go" he said, dipping his head in the direction he started walking. Ohmygodit'sTonyfuckingStark. And he's taking me with him. Y/n! Peter. Worry about Peter.

After Tony Stark guided us back to THE Stark tower, we entered his lab. "Wow" I said, mesmerized. "Like it?" He laughed. I had always thought of what it was like to step foot in here. "Yeah- yes. But we need to help Peter" I said, focusing my eyes on him. "Okay bud, lay here- and don't move" Tony said to Peter, all father-like. Peter sat on a chair, and Tony started to do works.

After Tony got the bullet out, he told me to check for more, before leaving the room. "Wha- I promise there's no more!" Peter yelled as Tony continued to walk out. "So um... I kind of need you to um, ya know.. undress" I looked down, talking quietly. "Right. Um okay" he stood up, pulling his suit off of his body. I didn't know what to do with myself so I stood there, staring at him. He winced in pain, and my heart broke seeing him like this. As the suit fell to the floor, I couldn't tear my eyes away. He had solid abs. I mean it makes sense, but not even 2 hours ago I found out he was Spider-Man. I started examining his body, when I found a pretty deep looking slash under his chest. "This one looks pretty deep" I frowned, looking up to him. I grabbed the tools I needed to clean his wound, and got to work.

As I finished cleaning him up, I had to get Tony, or Bruce if he was here. "I'll be right back, I need to find Tony. Don't move, okay?" I told him. He nodded, giving a weak smile.

I walked around the tower, looking for someone. This place was huge so it took me a minute or two. "Ah. Tiny human. Can I help you?" A familiar, deep voice said. Oh. My. God. "Thor?!" I screeched. "It is I" he said, smiling. "Oh my god no way. This is crazy" I said to myself. "Is there a reason you are here?" He asked. I took my time to respond, still trying to process the God I was talking to. "Um, I was looking for Tony or Bruce actually" I said. "What for?" He asked. "Peter has a pretty deep cut that I cleaned, I just need them to stitch it or whatever else needs done" I explained. My mind and heart were racing. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I've met 3 Avengers, and one of them was my friend all along. "What was your name?" Thor asked. Thor wants to know my name EJDJMDSK! "Y/n. Y/n L/n." I said loud and proud. "I'll tell Bruce to head to the lab. It was a pleasure meeting you Y/n." Thor said with a smile, turning the other way. I skipped back to the lab, to find Peter in more pain then before. "I'm so sorry Peter. Bruce should be here in a sec, Thor is getting him" I said. "Y/n, did you tell Ned where you went?" He asked. "Yeah I texted him on the way here." "Y/n. Can I tell you something?" Peter asked. "Yeah of course" I smiled. "Come here" he whispered. I leaned close for him to whisper to me, when his lips crashed onto mine. I was shocked at first, but quickly melted into the kiss. It was sweat and gentle, and his lips felt like home. I didn't want the moment to end, but unfortunately it did, very quickly. "Ehem. Kids.. you needed me?" Bruce Banner entered the room. Really Bruce... really.

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