Finale - Make it Official

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Wc: 1450

(Just a reminder, this is what you're wearing)>>>

*Your Pov*"How long we're you standing there?!" Peter asked

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*Your Pov*
"How long we're you standing there?!" Peter asked. "Like 5 seconds, why" I laughed. "Oh okay. Never mind" he looked relieved. "Are you guys excited for the school trip?! Cus I am!" I said. "Y-Yeah. I can't wait!" Peter said, looking quite nervous. "Are you guys gonna stay in a room together?" I asked. I was hoping I could join them since Mj won't be there. "Uh yeah, why?" Ned asked. "Could I join? My friend, Mj won't be there so I know no one else" I explained. "Yeah, that's fine!" Ned smiled at me, then to Peter.


The bell had just rang, dismissing us home, and I met Peter at his locker. "Hey, do you have any super hero stuff right now?" I asked, smiling. "Nope! I'm just going home. Wanna come over?" He invited. "Sure, why not! I just have to text my mom and let her know" I told him.

On the way back to Peter's, somehow our fingers intertwined. I wasn't mad about it though, I just don't remember grabbing his hand. "Um. So I wanted to ask you something.." I started. I had a plan, but I honestly didn't feel like waiting. I'll explain my plan anyways. I was going to give Peter a matching bracelet I bought him and I, to ask him out with of course, and give him it on our class trip, and ask him if we can be official. I was still gonna give him the bracelet of course, but I knew if I waited to ask, by time is comes, I would chicken out.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked, tilting his head like a lost puppy. "Okay. Um so I've never really done this before. Like ever- so I'm sorry if I sound a little unsure, I'm just a little nervous around you and I can't help but feel butterflies when I'm with you and I- oh my god. I'm totally stalling I'm sorry" I frowned. I wasn't really talking to Peter at this point, I was just stalling, which with me, eventually leads to backing out. "Hey- hey, it's okay. Take your time Y/n, we have all the time in the world" he reassured me, giving my hand a squeeze. I smiled up at him, losing myself in his chocolate brown eyes. "Okay.." I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. "Peter, I really like you. Like a lot. More then I think you know. Will you- will you be my um. Will you be my boy..friend.?" I asked. I definitely did not do that right. Well shit. There is no way I didn't fuck that up. I knew he liked me, or else he wouldn't have kissed me all those times, but I was still scared for his answer. I sounded confused, and I know that for sure, so the only thing that felt right to do in this moment was to pull him into a sweet, gentle kiss to show I was sure in my question. So I did. I placed my hands on his neck, my fingers tangled in his curls, and pulled him into a warm kiss. He placed his hands on my cheeks, and I felt him go soft under my touch. "Yes. 3,000 times yes! How could I say no" he said, giving me one more quick peck before continuing or walk home, arms hanging onto each other.


After about an hour of hanging out with Peter, I thought of an idea. "I'll be right back, I have something for us, I just have to run up to my place. I'll be quick!" I said, leaving him hanging.

I hurried up to my apartment and searched for the bracelets. "Mom! Are you home?" I shouted. "She's working late tonight sissy, what's up?" I heard my dad respond. "Oh, okay! I had these two bracelets, and I really need them right now" I told Dad. "What do they look like?" He asked. "Um, they are silver, and they both have a heart shaped spider web." I told him. The design felt fitting after finding out he was Spider-Man. "Oh, those! Your mom put them in your nightstand so you didn't lose them" he told me. "Thanks!" I said, gonna my back to my room. I grabbed the bracelets and stashed them in my pocket. "Bye Dad! I love you! I'll be back before dinner" I smiled at him. "Where are you headed?" He asked. He's not super strict, so he never really cared how much I hung out, just as long as he knew where I was. "Y/n?" He repeated himself. "Right, sorry. I'm going to my.. boyfriend's house" I smiled hearing those words roll off my tongue. "Your WHAT now?!!" He started. "Bye Dad! Gotta go!! I love youuuu" I said, darting for the door.

After entering Peter's house again, I was happy to see that May was now home. "Hey May!" I smiled. "Hey hun! You and Peter 'hanging out'? She asked, ending her question with a wink. "May!" I exclaimed. "What?! I'm just saying what I saw" she said, outdoing her hands up in the air like I accused her. "Well, anyways, I have to go give my boyfriend something" I smiled, walking towards Peter's room. "When did this happen?!?!" May asked, jumping up and down. I let out a laugh. "Today" I smiled. "Go go! Go get 'em tiger!" She said, shooing me away.

I walked into Peter's room, to find him in his Spidey suit. "I wanna show you something" he said. "Hello to you too" I joked. "Hi back" he smiled. "You ready?" He asked, putting his arm out for me. "Um I don't know what we are going but I guess" I responded. "Hold on tight" he said, pulling me into his lap. "Woah- um" I said, confused at his actions. "Here we goooo!" He shouted, pulling his mask off. With that, he jumped out of the window, shooting a web. "PETER AHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Hey, it's okay. It's fun!" He said, swinging us in a different direction. "PETER PLEASE PUT ME DOWN!" I begged. I've always thought of what it was like to swing, but now that I am, I don't have the intentions of ever doing it again. "Peter I swear I'm gonna get whiplash. Or motion sick. Or both!" I shouted. He would listen to me, so I resorted to my last option. Pretend to pass out. I have one loud gasp before clamping my eyes shut, and letting my body go limp, still holding on of course. I could feel myself start to slip out of his grip, so I ended my act. Well, at least tried to. What the fuck. Why can't I move. My vision started to get fuzzy, until it all went black. I fell. I could hear the faint sound of Peter's screams, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. I guess the tale 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' really is true. "Right as I assumed I was about to hit the ground and be at my death, my body crashed into the arms of what I thought to be Peter.Y eyes flashed open, and a loud gasp/sigh of relief escaped my mouth. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. "Y/n! Please look at me" He begged. I took a moment, trying to catch my breath and still process what had just happen. "Can we go home please?" I asked, my voice weak. "Yes. Of course." Peter refused to put me down, and he carried me all the way back to the apartment complex.

We sat side by side on his bed, as I remembered about the bracelets. "Oh yeah! I have something for us" I smiled. I carefully got up, and grabbed the bracelets off of his desk. Since I didn't know where he was taking me when we left, I placed them on his desk so I didn't lose them. "Here." I smiled, handing him one of the bracelets. "They match" I pointed out. "I love it" he smiled. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. "The fuck kind of question is that" I joked, leaning in for a kiss. Wow. This boy felt like home... "Should I record this? I should record this." "MAYYY!" We shouted in sync.

A/n: Hey guys! Should I continue this? I feel like this is a good place to end the story? Please let me know!! Give me some story ideas too! <3 :)

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