Chapter 7- Homework

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Wc: 1381

*Your Pov*
After a fun time spent with Ned at the Café, I headed home. I was starting to know the area more so I didn't need to use google maps this time.

Once I was home, I decided to change into some cute/comfy clothes:

After changing, I grabbed my backpack and checked to see if Peter was home

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After changing, I grabbed my backpack and checked to see if Peter was home.

"Who's there?" I heard May call after knocking on the door. "It's me, Y/n!" I said through the door. "Oh, come in honey!" She called. I let myself in. "Is Peter home by chance?" I asked. "He should be home in about 10 minutes, did you want to hang out?" She said. "Yeah, I was gonna see if he could help me on our science homework" I told her. "You can go wait up in his room sweets! He'll be here soon" she smiled. I nodded, making my way to his room. I lay on the bottom bunk, scrolling through TikTok. My whole 'For You' page was basically all marvel edits living there rent free, but I wasn't complaining. As I was scrolling, I was startled by Peter walking in. "Oh hi there" he said, shocked. May must not have told him I was here. "Hi back" I smiled. "Did May not tell you I was here?" I asked. "No she didn't, but it's fine. Why'd you bring your backpack?" He asked confused. "Oh! I was wondering if you could help me with the science homework, I didn't understand it" I explained. "Yeah sure, let me go grab mine, it's on the table" he told me, I nodded in response.

Once he came back into the room, he started explaining to me how to do the homework.


It took me about an hour and a half to fully understand and finish the homework. "Do you wanna stay for dinner? I think May is picking up Thai food" he invited. "Sure! Let me just text me mom and tell her I'm downstairs" I said. I texted my mom, then told Peter she said yes. "Okay cool! I'll tell May to order you what I get. Trust me, it's really good" he said all excited.

As he left the room, I thought of going up to roof top. I've read that some apartment complexes have roof top access. I'll have to ask Peter, maybe he knows.

He came back into the room, telling me May just ordered our food. "Hey I have a question" I said. "What is it?" "Do you know if this apartment complex has rooftop access?" I asked. "Yeah! It's really cool up there. Want me to show you?" He offered. "Please" I smiled.

We climbed our way to roof top, and it was beautiful. "Pretty, right?" Peter said, looking at me. "It's beautiful." I sat on the edge of the roof, swinging my legs. "Woah woah be careful" he said, holding onto me. I tried not to focus on it too much, but Peter was giving me butterflies, and I couldn't deny it. Peter sat next to me, slowly wrapping his arm around my body and holding me tight so I didn't fall. "Do you come up here a lot?" I asked, leaning my head to look at him. "Only for special occasions" he smiled. I tried to keep telling myself that we just met, I can't like him. Over, and over, and over again. But I couldn't help bet feel things for him. I wasn't going to ruin the friendship we were growing though, because I tend to do that a lot. I make a friend, fall for them, confess to them, and lose them. It's like a cycle I can't escape, and it really sucks. But this time, I wasn't gonna screw it up. "Y/nnnn?" Peter said, waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh- what? Yeah?" I said, snapping back into reality. "Um, May texted me, dinner is here" he said. I was a bit sad that this moment had come to an end, but I am sure we will have many more.

After Peter and I went inside, my nose was filled with an amazing smell. "Come eat kids! Before it gets cold" May said, already digging in to her bowl.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I said, getting my next bite ready to shove into my mouth. "Iknfjowfhright" Peter tried talking, with a mouth full of food. I started laughing, but some how I knew he was trying to say 'I know right'.


It was about 30 minutes after Peter and I finished eating, and we were just sitting on his bed, talking.

"I should probably go home soon, I've only been home to change today" I told Peter, frowning a bit. "Okay, that's fine. I'll walk with you if you want?" He offered. Wow. He was so sweet, even if it was just up two floors. "That'd be great" I smiled.

We approached my door, as I said goodbye to Pete. "Bye Peter, I'll see you at school tomorrow" I smiled. I was shocked at the sudden physical touch. Peter pulled me into a warm, gentle hug. It took me a minute to adjust, but eventually I sunk into his touch. "Bye Y/n, see you tomorrow" he smiled, letting go.

I walked into the house with the biggest smile on my face, when I saw my mom smiling at me with a cheeky grin. "So who was that?" My mom asked, smirking at me. "I-I don't know who you're talking about" I lied, although I wasn't very good at it. "Oh, my bad, let me be more specific. Who was that cute boy I saw hug you, as I was watching you through the peep hole in the front door" my mom winked. Stalker much. "MOMMMM! That's weird! And it's just my friend from school." I told her. "Mhmmmm you better spill missy" she didn't drop her smile once. "Welllll it's getting late Mom, I gotta go to bed, love you!!" I said, darting to my room. That was a close one.


*Next Morning*
I groggily woke up, not realizing I slept way past my alarm. Shit. I quickly jumped out of bed, not having time to shower, so I would have to tonight. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and all that fun hygiene stuff.

"Ughhh what will I wear" I was stressing. I never know what to wear when I wake up late. "Shit I will be late if I walk today." I told myself. "MOM!" I called. Thankfully she was off today, so maybe she'd let me drive myself to school. "Yeah babe?" She responded. "I'm gonna be late, can I drive to school today?" I asked, praying for a yes. "Sure, I don't see why not, just be careful!" She said. Yes! "I will, thank you!" I smiled, doing a little celebration dance. Okay. Time to get back on track. I didn't have time for much, so I threw my hair into a messy bun, and threw on the easiest and quickest thing I could think of.:

After dressing, was out the door

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After dressing, was out the door. "Hey Siri, Call 'Ned'" I told my phone. "Calling 'Nedster'" "hello? Who is this?" I heard Ned speak. "Hey Ned! It's Y/n from school, Peter gave me your number, I hope you don't mind" I told him. "Oh hey Y/n! No, that's okay. What's up?" He said. "I was wondering if you and Peter were busy after school, we should all hangout together" I suggested. I guess I could've asked at lunch. This wasn't anything serious that needed a phone call, but I like to plan ahead. "Uhm- actually Peter won't be able to hangout today, he told me he uh- Um. He has a date with Liz from our PE class" he explained. Oh. That hurt a bit. I wasn't expecting him to say that. "Oh. Okay. Well I'll see you at lunch, bye" I said, hanging up. And to think we had something going... what a fool, I am.

A/n: Happy thanksgiving guys!! This chapter was kind of boring, but I didn't have much time to write it, but I wanted to publish something today!!:))

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