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Tuesday evening, she stood in her kitchen, staring at the phone on the receiver, willing herself to pick it up and dial the number.

She wasn't sure why she was so hesitant. If his willingness to bring her back to his place was any indication of his interest in her, then she had nothing to be worried about. Yet still, she couldn't bring herself to pick up the phone.

Just then, it rang, startling her. She picked it up.

"Did you call him yet?" It was Jackson's voice on the other end.
"You just about gave me a heart attack."
"I tend to have that affect on women."
She rolled her eyes. "I was just about to. Or, was trying to."
"What do you mean trying? It's not that hard to make a phone call."
"Apparently it is."
"I don't know. I'm nervous."
"Why are you nervous?"
"Because I'm an insane person."
"You have nothing to be worried about."
"What do I even say?"
"Ask him if he wants to see you again."
"What if he doesn't?"
"Shut up. Call me when its done."
"Okay. Wish me luck."
"Good luck."

She hung up the phone, then picked it up again and dialed Theo's number. Just when she thought there would be no answer, he picked up.

"Hi, is this Theo?"
"Hi, it's Cambria. How are you?"
"Cambria? Hey, I'm good. Sorry, wow, I'm surprised to be hearing from you right now."
"I got your number from Jackson. I hope that's okay."
"You saw Jackson?"
"Turns out we work together."
"No way. What a small world."
"Yeah, crazy right?"
"And you thought to ask him for my number?"
"Well, yes. I didn't realize until after I left your place that I had no way of contacting you."
"I woke up and you were gone."
"You fell asleep."
"I'm an idiot."
"You're not. It happens. I could tell you were tired."
"I can't believe you called. I've been beating myself up over it, thinking I let you slip away all because I couldn't stay awake."
"I guess it's a good thing I ran into Jackson, then."
"Yeah, thank God for Jackson."
"I really did have a good time with you that night."
"Me too. I would love to see you again. If you'd want that."
"I'd love that."
"Are you doing anything this Friday?"
"I am doing nothing at all this Friday."
"How would you like to come to a party with me?"
"A party sounds perfect."
"I'll pick you up for eight."

Friday seemed an eternity away.

Nonetheless, her first week at Hargrove & Swanson was going well. She ate lunch with Jackson in the cafeteria every day. It was nice to have someone there that she knew, a comfort to her that she didn't realize she needed. They were quickly becoming fast friends, already interrupting each other and talking over one another, unable to get their words out fast enough.

They did not speak about Theo once.

When Friday arrived, he stayed true to his word and picked her up at eight. His car smelt of aftershave and cologne. He looked different than she remembered, better.

They arrived at the house of Grayson Welch, a close friend of Theo's. It was a big house, beautiful and tremendous. They parked on the street where the other cars were lined and made their way to the front door, Theo pushing it open without knocking. She was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people. As if sensing this, he took her hand in his and led her through the house until they reached the kitchen.

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