Chapter 40

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I gave Reece the rest of my blades and he told me to go downstairs so he could hide them somewhere I wouldn't find them. I walked back into the living room, where everyone else now was and sat down on the floor next to Tom, since all of the sofas and other seats were taken. Reece came down 5 minutes later, sitting next to me and taking hold of my hand.

A few hours passed and we got closer to New Year. The BBC broadcast was on TV, waiting for the big countdown and we had music playing in the background. Some people were stood in the kitchen and some in the living room while Sydney and Lexi both ran around the house, excited about New Year. We had fireworks set up in the back garden for when the clock struck 12 and with 5 minutes to go we turned the volume up on the TV to its loudest so we could hear it outside and gathered in the garden, handing around party poppers and sparklers.

I always loved New Year. To me every year was like a fresh start, a chance to do things differently, a chance for things to get better. This year had been horrible and I was glad to see the back of it.

"ONE MINUTE" the TV blared. I stood with Reece, hand in hand, with everyone else gathered on the patio. We could already hear fireworks going off in the distance, some unexpected nearby ones occasionally making us jump.

"10" I heard being shouted. I smiled and turned to Reece, reaching up and resting my arms on his shoulders, linking my hands at the back of his neck. He placed his arms around my waist and we moved closer to each other.

"9" people around us shouted. Me and Reece joined in, looking around to see everyone gathered together like one big family. Well I guess we are really.

"8" we chorused, hearing other shouts from all down the street.

"7" Lexi and Sydney both shouted the loudest, picking up party poppers.

"6" I turned back to Reece to see him looking me in the eyes, smiling.

"5" I whispered, smiling back.

"I love you" I said, as people carried on the countdown.

"I love you too" Reece replied. We both smiled, waiting for the end of the countdown.

"1" I stood on my tiptoes, waiting for the next second to pass.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR" I heard being shouted, party poppers and fireworks going off from every direction. But I wasn't concentrating on any of that. I leant into Reece and our lips touched. I closed my eyes and we stayed there for what felt like an eternity. It was just a simple kiss and it stayed that way but it was perfect. Just like our first kiss nearly a year ago. It was the perfect way to start the new year and a single tear trickled down my cheek, thinking of everything I was leaving behind from the past year.

We pulled away and rested our foreheads on each other's so our lips were still only centimetres apart.

"Happy New Year beautiful" Reece whispered, kissing me once more.

"Happy New Year" I returned, pulling away to join everyone else in the celebrations. Keith, Casey's dad, began to set off the fireworks as I gave each of the boys a hug, most of them picking me up and all of them telling me that they were going to make sure that this year was better than the last. I thanked each one of them for what they had done for me over the past few months and then walked over to everyone else, Lexi running over to me and jumping up on me, shouting "Happy New Year" very loudly down my ear. I laughed and went to give Lynsey a hug, thanking her for everything aswell.

After a few minutes, everyone's families turned to go back inside but the boys said they just wanted a few minutes together so they stayed outside. Everyone went into the living room so I stayed in the kitchen, getting a drink. I glanced out of the window to see all of the boys stood in a big group hug, all talking even though I couldn't hear what they were saying.

A few minutes later the boys came back in and Reece came towards me and picked me up, putting me on the counter and kissing me.

"I love you, no matter what happens I will always love you Alice and I just hope this next year is amazing for you" he said as the other boys left to go to the living room.

"I love you too and you know I do" I grinned, taking Reece's hand and jumping down from the counter. I picked up my drink and we sat back down in the living room with everyone else. I smiled, this seemed like a good way to start the new year.


Quite a short but cute chapter which was nice to write so I hope you liked it. Something big happening in the next chapter so comment what you think it might be. I'll try and update tomorrow or at least some time soon and I hope you're all enjoying the story.

Please keep commenting your thoughts and sharing and voting for the story, I'd quite like to get to 20k reads soon and I'm getting quite close so yeah, keep sharing and stuff. Thank you, ily all x

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