Slice of Life Pt 2: Sea of Clouds, Sea of People

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3rd Person POV

As Alastor walks around the streets of Liyue, he overheard some women talking about Ganyu the adepti who works as a secretary.

Baixiao: "It's shocking how much work there is to do, even for the three of us...

Baishi: "And she's been handling it alone all along... The Qixing's secretary clearly isn't an ordinary person. It's so frustrating..."

Then the three of them noticed Alastor listening in their conversation. All three of them looked away for a bit and Alastor just went to them.

Alastor: "Aren't you Ningguang's workers? How come you're here? Don't tell me that the Jade Chamber is gone."

Baixiao: "We are Ms. Ningguan'gs private secretaries and not her workers."

Alastor: 'Wait...Isn't that the same thing?'

Baiwen: "Have you seen Ms. Ganyu, Sir Alastor? It has been several days since Ms. Ganyu left for Jueyun Karst. She's the General Secretary of the Liyue Qixing, we've only taken over her responsibilities until she gets back."

Alastor: "Wait, you're saying that Ganyu went to Jueyun Karst, alone? With no back-up whatsoever?"

Baixiao: "Yes...?"

Alastor: "Damn, we really need to announce those demons... Tell me why she went there alone?"

Baixiao: "Ah, even though the Qixing has made peace with the adepti after the latter had denounced Liyue, they still want to pay their respects to the illuminated ones. They commissioned Ganyu as their envoy to deliver a letter to Jueyun Karst and bring the adepti the latest news about the crisis."

Alastor: "I see."

Baixiao: "Still... Ganyu should have been back to her usual responsibilities by now, but she's disappeared without a trace."

Alastor: "Hmm... Maybe she just took a little detour? I can't really blame her, being cooped up in a room all day and all night can't be really good for one's body."

Baiwen: "I'm afraid it's not very likely... Ever since we met, Ms. Ganyu, she's been nothing but the most conscientious person in all of Liyue. Even when it's time for her annual leave, Ms. Ganyu stays on duty at Yuehai Pavilion, saying that there is still so much to do. She couldn't possibly be using her mission as an excuse to slack off."

Alastor: "I see, I see. Wait, but she's a half-adeptus, right? She wouldn't get in trouble. So why do you three look so upset?"

Baishi: "Wel... It's because of this absurd workload of hers!" *sighs* "When we first heard the three of us would be taking over for Ms. Ganyu, we thought it would simply be a matter of changing our work environment."

Baixiao: "We couldn't have imagined that Ms, Ganyu's daily workload far exceeds what the three of us are used to doing."

Alastor: "The adepti lineage is truly amazing... Wait that reminds me... Don't you three go back to work? You guys can't really finish it if you just complain."

Baiwen: "We can do that but, Mr. Alastor. Would it be alright if you go and get her? I heard that you can go to Jueyun Karst."

Alastor: "Huh? Where did you hear that from? I'm not allowed to go there... But who's stopping me? Alright, I'll go get Ganyu and even maybe have a little pillow fight with the adepti later on."

Baixiao: "Phew... We're saved. I remember Ms. Ganyu said that she'd be visiting Cloud Retainer's abode, you might as well start looking for her there."

Baiwen: "It's about time she came back to work, otherwise..." *sighs*

Baishi: "No, perhaps we should go to Lady Ningguan first and bring up our overtime pay again."

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