2 Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

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Bella goes through her iPad. She didn't notice how early it was until she looked at the clock. "OMG! It's 4:54!" She tells her friends to wait there and she needed to go outside for some fresh air. (She had locked the door last night if you were wondering) *breathes deeply in* *breathes deeply out* She goes back in and pets Rosie. She puts on her leash. "Wait, are you guys hungry?" Bella asks. "I can let you have some cereal and snacks." "YEAH!" They all replied at once. Bella sat next to Matt on the couch. Bella turns on the TV. "I choose Matt to pick the show." "Ummmm..." he stutters. "I-I think... Socksfor1?" (He's a YouTuber BTW) "Sure!" She puts on Socksfor1 and everyone begins eating. "Omg! I haven't eaten in hours!" Says Ray as he chews his cereal. "Me too!" Replies Gabby and Rayna. Pretty soon they were finished and took Rosie for a walk. They all petted Rosie as well. "I'm getting kinda thirsty..." says Penelope. "Me too." Says Maggie. "Me three." "Me four." They all went back to Bella's house. They didn't go too far, so they found their way back easily. They all got a drink of water or juice. "Wait! My mom's phone!" Bella spots her moms phone a bit next to the sink. "Who wants it?" "ME!!!!!" They all shout. Bella says Victoria said it first, so she gets it. Minutes later, she finds her dads phone and does the same thing. But this time Matt won it. "Don't worry!" Bella says. "We can share my iPad if you didn't get anything!" They all sighed in relief. They all have a little bit of candy. Bella got four bags of candy at Halloween so it's able to last at least a month with all of those kids. "Guys, I just wanna know, do you guys like any of these people," Bella announced. "RJ, Ryan, Liam, April, or Mariyah?" "Nope." Says Zoey. "Sure. But just Liam." Replies Eli. "No" "Nuh uh." The rest of the replies were no. Bella said that any of them weren't here, and that Eli will have to live without Liam. Eli kinda sniffed by that saying but a second later he was OK. "Also, I was thinking since we don't have gym and we don't have school, I don't wanna brag but since me and Matt are the smartest, can we homeschool you? And, another thing, our gym will be games that I make up and basketball." "Sure!" "No problemo!" "Don't mind!" "OK!" "So, our lesson starts in a couple mins, OK?" "OK!" They all replied. "We'll also have fun raffles and costume contests!" Bella said cheerfully."cool!" "Nice!" "OK."

Five mins later - 5:31

"Ok, get downstairs!" Bella says. "Time for class." The lesson was about adding 3 digit numbers for Math. For science it was weighing things. And for Religion it was Baptism. For spelling it was -ing and -ed. They skipped reading because it was computers Friday so they took turns learning on Bella's mom's laptop. Afterwards, school was over and they needed lunch. Penelope chose a lunchable. Victoria chose cereal. Matt chose a lunchable. Eli chose cereal. But by that time, the cereal was gone! "Sorry, guys. Cereals out." Bella said shamefully. Everyone else got lunchables. But then, it ran out with 4 people left! "You guys can eat some chips, or share an apple." Bella said a little guilty-like. "But, guys. Do you wanna read a book, or get a drink? Maybe play a bit of basketball practice?" Bella asked hopefully. "No, thanks. I'll just take a nap." Said Zoey. "I'm in!" says Nylah. "Same!" Says Matt. Eli joined. Victoria wanted to read. Penelope wanted to take a nap with Zoey. "Guys, if you come whoever joins gets an allowance for different things!" Everyone paused. Looked at Bella, and said, "I'M IN!"

Word count: 652 (Ik it said dinner but I skipped it by accident)

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