Lovers pt 2

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(I couldn't find a picture so I had to go with Squid Game 🙃)

"Oh, OK!" Bella and Matt, of course, stole the money from the cash register and didn't pay. :) Since there was no one around, of course. Besides everyone from her class.

5 mins later - 6:46

"We're back! What did you do while we were gone?" Bella questioned. "Oh! I took a nap." Replied Eli. "Where?" Bella asked again. "On the couch. I fell asleep playing board games."

2 hrs later - 8:29

"Matt, I'm starting to miss when my mom read me a book to bed..." Bella said sheepishly. "I- It won't feel right if anyone else does it. Especially because no one can read, not to be offensive..." "I mean, I can read. I can do it." Matt replied a bit fast.

"12 hours, and still no parents?!" Replied Honora. "This cannot be happening!" Nylah and Gabby sit on the couch. "Why can't we just have our parents back?!" Gabby cries out as she sheepishly hugs Nylah.
Word count: 171 words
dif = different (so sorry for the short cut on the chapter! I made this about maybe two years ago?! I'm going to make better spelling, which I only did once... some more thrilling parts, and probably years... and years... and years... of work, and that will make everyone atleast 27...) atleast = at least | heh

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