3 Lovers

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(Also, these are real people and places. So please do not think I have a great imagination. Also, my house is real in this story, so please, don't think I stole these pictures.)

"I'M IN!!" They all shouted. "Okay." Bella laughed. They went in Bella's room and they each took out a book to read. Afterwards, they went outside and Bella tought them simple drills. Like; no using two hands to dribble and layups.
"Ok, now go home and pract-..." she paused. "Oh, right..." They didn't speak the rest of the day. Even if they wanted to. They were all tired out. Bella, Gabby, Matt, and Eli slept next to each other in Bella's parents bed. "I think that Bella and Matthew like each other!" Kennedi whisper shouted. Bella's eyes were peeled open and she wasn't asleep. "Hey! Guys don't say that! He's asleep!" Bella whisper shouted back. Matthew was asleep. Kennedi walked in Bella's room and started playing with her poppets. 'I think I'm done for tonight' Kennedi thought to herself. She laid on Bella's bed and soon fell asleep.

Next day - 12:56 pm

Soon, Kennedi, Maggie, and Eli woke up at the same time. Honora woke up at about 12:59 pm. Eli got on a dinosaur shirt. Kennedi got on black leggings and a t-shirt. Maggie got on a tank top and pink and white shorts. And Honora got on pj's bc she felt like staying home all day. 'D-... d-did I just call this place...' she paused. She couldn't predict if this was going to be her home forever or if she will eventually get her family back. Matt and Bella got up around 2:43 and 2:45. Matt got on a t-shirt. Bella also said, "Today, I think the boys can change their pants." Bella snorted. Everyone else laughed, bc they hadn't switched pants in two days! Ray, Eli, and Matt got on dif pants. And if they were comfortable in their gym shorts, it was fine. But later, Matt and Bella played some basketball. "Hey!" Shouted someone. "WHOS THERE?!" Bella asked. "Who are you?" The person asked. "I'm Bella, and this is Matt." Bella replied. "Well, I'm Cindy." Cindy replied. "And who are the people staring out the window?" "Oh! They're my classmates. Matt, Penelope, Rayna, Ray, Eli, Kennedi, Zoey, Honora," Bella went on.

2 mins later - 4:58

Bella and Matt introduced Cindy. Bella said, "Well, good grief. I guess me and Matt will have to go grocery shopping." Matt agreed. Matt said that they can have a couple candy bars whilst they were gone.

2 hours later - 6:59

"Hey, we should make a map so we can find our way back easier!" Bella suggested.
"Sure, but how will we find our way back now?"
"Oh, I know the way back. We can make a mark on the map and name the streets and mark houses and parks!"
"Oh, OK!"

Word count: 493
Bc = because
Mins = minutes

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