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After waking up 10 different times, Carmen couldn't take it. She headed to the kitchen, still covered in her cold sweat.

ugh she thought. i look like i just took a swim.

"hey carm" said a familiar voice. Ivy

"why are you still up?" Carmen asked. if anyone was allowed to be up this late, it was her!

"Nothing" ivy said, looking away

"Ivy, you do know you can tell me anything, right?" Carmen said, grabbing her friends hand.

"it's just so dumb! I mean you are in the heat of the moment, doing the stuff, but every night, the scared feeling i feel when you're out there comes back to haunt me"

Ivy sighed" I bet you don't even get nightmares"

"You kidding?"Carmen was surprised to say the least. She didn't know she seemed that unapproachable.

" I get nightmares all the time! Why do you think i'm here?"

"A midnight snack?" Ivy ventured

"Well, i'm up  because of the nightmares, but now that i think of it, what better way to calm down?"

the girls chuckled

knock knock

they looked each other in the eye, then bolted to the door.

shadowsan tried to mouthed to them, but they almost ran into him, so they had no idea what he was saying

can't see them

oh. that was what he was saying.

"Carmen? Ivy? Zach? Shadowsan?" the voice was familiar

"please." the mystery person let out a dry chuckle

"The only thing that's holding me up right now is nerves and fear of the nightmares"

Carmen and Ivy looked at each other.

"well I guess you'll find me in the morning, Red"

Red. That's when it clicked.

"Player?" she called out, a little confused on why he was here

"Red? Oh thank god, you can hear me."

She realized the door was still closed, so She opened it in a hurry

The sight that greeted her was unbelievable.

Player was there, soaked in water, and his shirt had a stain of-

Oh crap. that was blood.

"you bleeding" said shadowsan

-_-I just realized i turned this into first person. oops. well it fits-_-

yeah, real helpful.

i rushed to his side and  grabbed his hand

" are you alright? what happened? why are you hear"

"uh carm?" We all turned to look at Ivy, who we for got was there"leave the questions for after you take care of his wounds"

" Ok Ivy, go get my bed ready. Shadowsan, go get the medical supplies."

i turned back to Player, and gave him a weak smile

"are you ok buddy?"

All of a sudden, He hugged me. I could feel his tears start to soak my clothes, but I didn't mind one bit. It was Player. i have never seen him cry my whole life. Or heard him, for lack of a better term.

"I-I-" he dissolved into sobs"why is VILE so evil? why did they have to-"

I could tell I wasn't gonna be able to get anything else out of him right now, but I couldn't care less. he was sobbing on my shoulders, and didn't care why. he had to be happy. like right now. so I did thE only thing I could think of: I made a joke. Or more accurately, I quoted the meme.

"I am sending good vibes your way. There is no way to stop them."

He let out, a dry, strangled noise, but he played along"this is the most threatening way I've been cheered up"

"now how about we get that little cut fixed, 'kay?"


It's gonna be ok- Carmen sandiegoWhere stories live. Discover now