"I love It"

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After the adoption process, Carmen hopped in the car and pulled out her phone

"You wanna listen to a song? apperently, Zach and Ivy convinced Shadowsan to help them make a music video"

"Sure" He replied. Carmen could see the dimmed twinkle in his eyes shine through.


(It's the extra scene in the carmen sandiego netflix interactive game. i just had to)

By the end of the song, Player could barely breathe through his laughing.

"Wha- you know what? I'm not gonna question it" he said once he was able to calm down. a small giggle made it through his lips.

"That's probably for the best" commented Carmen.

after a while, Player realized they were not going to HQ.

"Where are we going?"

"The arcade. I can't let you win all the competitions, can I?"

"You do realize you just asked the guy you've been trusting with you life"His voice cracked, but he forged on ahead"in hacking to play video games, right?"

"Now that i think about it, that was one of the worst ideas I've ever had"

Player smiled"too late now."

Time Skip to Some Game or Another

"You can't beat me!" Player said, smirking at me

"Oh yeah?"She called back"how would you know that? I beat you at the claw machine!"

"That doesn't count! That's barely a coin-op"

Carmen turned to him.

"A coin what?"

Player looked sheepish"A coin-op. Coin operated game"

Carmen just laughed. And then she heard a sound right next to her

"ARGH!"she screamed

"I won" Player smirked at her.

"Well? What did I say? You can't win"

"Urgh"she groaned"Fine. Lets go ho-To HQ"

She knew Player wasn't ready to call it home, but she hoped the redheaded twins and the ninja made it homey enough.

They hopped in the car, and Carmen gave a small smile.

"So?" she prompted.

Player just gave her a look"If you're looking for a apology for winning, you aren't getting one"

"You caught me" she said 

THey went on joking about random things until the end of the car ride. The moment they pulled in, Player narrowed his eyes.

"what are Ivy and Zack up to?" he asked, a little confused. The banner across the main entrance was definetly not there before.

"You'll see" she called, already ahead of him

As Carmen entered, turned off the lights. Player walked in a little after her.

He took one look at the place, and called out"Ivy?Zach?Shadowsan"

He looked at Carmen, panic in his eyes.

"Where are they!" he exclaimed.

"Calm down, Player."Carmen said cooly.

"How are you so calm? Where are they?!"

"They're in the other room."

"Then why is it so dark here?" he said, calming down.

"They were supposed to make a surprise thing for you're new room." she said, giving a look.

He was taking fast breaths, looking like he was hyperventelating, slowly calming down.

"Are you okay?" she said, softly "whats wrong?"

He sat down on the bench and put his head in his hands. Carmen could hear him softly whispering to himself "its gonna be ok."

Carmen hesitantly wrapped her arms around her little brother figure. He didn't hug her back, but he didn't push away either.

"How about we go scare them?"she said softly

He gave her a halfhearted smirk

"Lets do it" he said weakly."Just give me a second. Can you grab my water bottle from the car?"

Carmen knew full well he took nothing with him into the car, but she got the message. He needed a moment to himself.

Time Skip to When They Actually Go to Scare Ivy and Zach

Carmen crept up on the doorwas, Player trailing behind her

"You think that bang whas them, bro?"

"I don't know, Ivy. You know Carmen lets the door just fall like that."

"Alright" Ivy replied.

The red haired thief signalled to Zach to keep quiet

"BOO!" she exclaimed, scaring the living daylights out of Ivy.

"ARRGH!" she shouted "What was that for?"

"You were supposed to be ready by the time I texted you!" Carmen told her heatedly.

"Ummm" Player said from the doorway.

"oh ummm welcome home" Zack said, somewhat awkwardly.

Player smiled, and while he tried to hid it, his eyes got misty at the sight of the effort they put into the room for him. The TV and computers had to have costed a fortune, and their only funding was VILE. If they noticed, they would have to hack into their database and find their Social Security password all over again, and Player couldn't do that without Carmen sneaking into VILE headquarters. So the risk was huge.

"Welcome home" repeated Carmen, internally freaking out about him hating it.

"I love it"

It's gonna be ok- Carmen sandiegoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant