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After Player and Carmen Changed, they brought Ivy and Zach into the kitchen and told them what they were about to do

"Sol let me get this straight" said Ivy" you, a notorious criminal, are going to the government, hoping they don't recognise you, and asking their permission to legally adopt the kid who's been missing for a day and a half?"

"Sounds about right" Carmen replied.

"This operation is going to be the death of me" grumbled Shadowsan

"You do realize you aren't coming, right Sensei?" Zack asked (P.S. is it Zach or Zack. I've been using them interchangbly)

"Yes, but when I have to break her out of prison, I am going to die" he said.

Even Player had to crack a grin at that. He had been strangely silent after the training room, and Carmen had been wondering why. 

"Come on" she called out "We can't keep them waiting" she said heading out the door

Player trailed behind her, his head down and his hood on

He started for the back door


he looked up at her, eyebrow raised

"Come on, you're 14 years old, you can sit in the front"

he fidgeted with his hood drawstring while he hopped into the car


"So what

"Whats wrong? You've been a little urghblehbleh"

He turned to his side to face her at the stoplight" I've been a little what?"

"You heard me"said Carmen, smirking at being able to get a reaction out of him"urghblehbleh"

He chuckled."Only you Red, only you."

"Honestly, that's more of something Zach would say."


by then, she realized he didn't want to talk about it, so she let the subject drop

"Wanna grab a milkshake?"

"Carmen. We are going to City Hall, and you're asking me if i want a milkshake?"

"Well, do you?"

he sighed "Sure"

Time Skip

They arrived at City hall, and both of them were still drinking milkshakes

"How can I help you?" said the woman behind the desk. Her nametag said "Ashley"

"we're here for the Jake bourgion situation" Carmen replied

the woman finally looked up, and she saw their milkshakes.

"if you would please dispose of you beverages and follow me"

Carmen gave Player a side glance, and they both started slurping up their milkshakes as fat as they can.Ashley just stared at them, with a little smile playing on her lips. 

"Alright, you win" Carmen relented

they walked down the hallway and to an office on their left. Ashley opened the door for them and they thanked her.

It's gonna be ok- Carmen sandiegoWhere stories live. Discover now