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After Player got dressed and brushed his teeth, he tried to find the others. Key word, tried. No matter what he did, he couldn't find the right hallway. Eventually, Carmen went looking for him and found him in the living room.

"Player, the kitchen is the other way"

"Woah" Was the only response she got. She looked at him again, and realized he was looking at her little russian nesting dolls.

"I can't believe I'm seeing these in real life" Player whispered

Carmen chuckled" if you want to see them, you know you could just meet me after school, right?

"Yeah, but it's the shelve you put them in!"

"Dude, they're dolls on a shelf, not a personal shrine"

"I wish it was" he said wistfully

"By god, Player, I'm a human being, and not a god!" Carmen exclaimed "you spend most of your time with me, how are you not used to this?"

"I'm not there" he said "I'm just the sidekick"

"Player, you mean so much more to me than that!"Oh god that sounded cheesy she though"I'm not joking. you were my first true friend! dude, i can't even- UGH.You're just special, 'kay?"

he chuckled "Thanks"

"now come on, we gotta get you some food." Carmen aid, leading him to the kitchen.


Player was drinking hot cocoa because he felt really cold. Carmen thought he caught a cold. I mean he was soaked she thought. all of a sudden, Player almost spit out his drink.

"My parents!" he cried out" They must be worried sick!"

Carmen gasped. How had she forgotten about his parents? what was going on with her?

"Ivy!" She called out" Turn on the news!"

 they watched the newscaster ramble on until a man came on to the set

"News flash" said the reporter" there has been a confirmation of the Bouchards murder, and a missing persons case filed for their son, Jake. The murders are being investigated this very moment."

Ivy and Zach gasped. Carmen didn't recognize his name, but she could tell by his reaction, it was his parents. This was a terrible idea she thought. we should have she was interrupted by Players' groan. he grasped his head, cursing underneath his breath and muttering to himself

Players' 3rd Person Point of View

Come on, Jake, you have to get back into the bounce of things. You gotta stay strong for the team. Carmen needs you to hack into stuff, you can't leave them now.

Finally, the headache crushing his skull slowly withdrew. He tried to give them a smile, but it came out as more of a grimace.

"how would you rate the pain?" asked Carmen

"0 stars. Would not recommend" Zach chuckled at Player before Ivy elbowed him

"Really, guys, I'm fine."

Carmen contemplated that for a little" what do you remember?" she asked

Carmen's 3rd Person Point of View

After i asked the question, Player's face paled.

"you okay, buddy?

he took a deep breath." all of it" he stated"I remember all of it"

a lone tear fell down his face, making way for more. he furiously wiped at his tears with his sleeve. I grabbed his other hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Player looked around, and Carmen could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Lets go to my room, alright?" Carmen asked "You can take a break for a little. then maybe we can go for ice cream"

Zach let out a nervous chuckle. he was fooling no one, but Player shot him a grateful glance.

He took her hand and she led led him to her room. once he was snuggled up in the covers, she started for the door

"Wait" he whispered.

Carmen turned around, the latinas soft gaze falling on the little boy." What's up?" She asked in a gentle voice

"I need to tell you before -" He trailed off, but she could tell what he meant. It was hard to talk about something after a while.

He took a deep breath, and started his story.

"There was a noise, like a tiny click, and then the front door opened. My mom threatened to call the police, loud enough to hear. I'm pretty sure she knew about the things I was doing, because she had a long, somewhat hard-to-follow talk with me a few months back when I had to go during that caper about being safe on the internet. She must have got what she wanted, because she dropped it." He chuckled "Back to the- whatever this is. After I heard her, I packed all my stuff in my backpack. I still had it from school. I heard her and dad shriek, and I ran downstairs. I-"he choked on his words, and Carmen grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"I get it" she said.

He took a quick inhale and continued"I tried to sneak away, but Tigress found me and swiped at my stomach. That's how I got the big cut. She also got a picture of me. I ran to the airport with my fake ticket, and it was raining there. I got to dry off at the airport and asked daniel-"

I interrupted him" Who's Daniel?"

He looked a little sheepish(btw is this a real pun here?)"He was someone I bribed in case something like this happened."


he cleared his throat." Anyway, I got there, and he took me to the airport here. Then, at the airport, VILE blocked the exits, and I had to blow up a window with that prototype I never got to you to get tested. I got a little scratched up while I tried to get out of the shattered window. I took out my phone and used it. Thank god you guys didn't change the name online. I ran here, and well, you know the rest."

He sighed, a long, deep sound. I stood up and hugged him.

"you should have told me you thought this would happen. I'm sorry I dragged you into this"

He let out a strangled laugh sob sound"Are you kidding? I jumped in with all of me! Doing flips in mid-air!"

She chuckled at him."Still"

"I have to apologise."

It's gonna be ok- Carmen sandiegoWhere stories live. Discover now