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Ashley took a breath before walking towards the doors to her apartment building and outside leant against the wall was Ryan, she immediately stiffened seeing him before shaking it off and walking towards him, she'd decided she was going to ignore him and walk straight past him, as she got closer to the door he smirked 'hi gorgeous' she continued walking past him but he grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him 'don't ignore me you little bitch' he twisted her arm slightly as she winced in pain 'you're hurting me Ryan' she said as she tried to pull away from him, it only made him pull harder and he raised his hand slapping her across the face. she raised her hand to stop him but before she could react he grabbed it twisting it behind her back, a crunch occurred and Ashley screamed out in pain kicking him in the leg before running up to her apartment shutting the door and locking it. Her phone began to ring as she leant her head against the wall crying, her breathing quickened and the pain in her wrist throbbed getting worse, she answered the call as Tyler said 'Ash where are you', she bit her lip hard holding back her tears 'ty, I.. I'm not feeling great can you just take the car back to yours, I don't wanna get you sick' she hung up the phone before he had time to answer as she began to cry again. Forgetting how mad she was at Lucy, she was the only know who knew what Ryan was like and only because Chris was the same, she grabbed her phone calling her as Lucy answered first time 'Ashley look I'm so so sorry', 'Luce..' Ashley said sobbing 'what is it? What's happened? Is it Tyler?' Lucy rambled on 'no.. Luce I.. I need to you come and pick me up', 'where are you?' Lucy questioned cautiously 'I'm at the apartment but Ryan..', 'he didn't, Ashley what's he done this time?' Ashley took a breath 'I think my wrist is broken, look I don't want you coming here, I'll meet you down the road but I need to go to the hospital', 'alright, I'll be there soon okay?' Lucy replied before hanging up. Ashley picked up her bag and her phone before leaving her apartment building through the back way, she ran down the road to where she said she was meeting Lucy, wincing in pain as her wrist got more swollen and her hand became paler.

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