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The next day Ashley woke gently placing a kiss on what she thought was Tyler's neck. Shay rolled over and moved a piece of hair out of Ashley's face 'morning' she said softly. It was then that everything came flooding back to her, Tyler leaving, the pains, the hospital, the baby, the baby she lost. Instantly tears escaped her eyes and fell down her cheeks as she relived the painful memory. Shay tried to comfort her but Ashley pushed her away shaking her head 'leave me alone' she mumbled, shay tried to protest 'GET OUT SHANNON' she yelled causing shay to jump back, she got out of bed and left her house without another word. Ashley got up and pulled the curtains shut then lay back in her bed sobbing until eventually she fell asleep again.

Shay was sitting in her car outside Ashley's house, she had her phone in her hand and was scrolling through her contacts thinking of who to call who Ashley wouldn't push away. Usually she was the one to sort her out but there was only one other person who could handle her when she couldn't. She found the number and pressed call. The phone rang a couple of times before she answered

S - shay Se - Selena

S - Selena I need your help

Se - what's the matter?

S - it's Ashley

Se - what's happened?

Shay explained the situation.

Se - I'll be right over

Within 10 minutes Selena car pulled up outside Ashley's gate, shay let her in and opened the front door with her key and Selena went inside.

She climbed the stairs making her way into Ashley's room, her bed was empty but she could hear her crying. She looked around the room before making her way to the connecting door, she opened it slowly only to find Ashley sitting in the corner of the baby's room, tears streaming down her face and she was knocking her head against the wall. Selena shut the door behind her and slowly made her way over to where Ashley was sitting, 'ash' she said gently kneeling in front of her. Ashley tilted her eyes down to look at Selena before shutting them again 'I killed my baby' she said through sobs, Selena shook her head moving so she was sitting next her to 'no, no you didn't ash, this isn't your fault', Ashley moved closer to her and selena put her arm around her and kissed her head 'Tyler's going to hate me' Ashley sobbed into her shoulder and Selena stroked her hair 'no he won't, has anyone called him?', Ashley shook her head firmly 'don't. Don't you dare, this audition is important to him', Selena nodded slightly knowing better than to protest with Ashley when she was like this.

The two remained on the floor for another 20 minutes before Selena looked down at her,

'what do you want to eat? I'll make you something?' She said to Ashley knowing what her answer would be already

'I don't want anything',

'no that's not working with me, you're eating. What do you want?'

She shrugged and shook her head

'really sel I don't want anything'

'We're not doing this again ash, I can't lose you again' she said her eyes filling with tears. Ashley turned her head to her and shook her head wrapping her arms around Selenas neck and whispered 'you won't I'm sorry'. Selena kissed her cheek before slowly pulling away from her 'so come on' she said wiping her eyes 'anything you want', 'in n out?' She asked her and Selena nods. 'Listen ash.. Shays outside, she's worried about you' Ashley looked down and bit her lip 'I didn't mean to yell at her, I just needed to be by myself' Selena nodded 'I know baby, I'm gonna go get food but can I tell her to come in?' Selena said getting up helping Ashley up as she nodded slightly 'can you get shay some food too? She loves in n out' Selena laughed slightly and nodded wrapping her arms around Ashley 'I love you, you're stronger than you think you are', 'I love you too' Ashley whispered back as Selena made her way outside.

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