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The doctor came in to check Ashley over before getting the ultrasound out. He made troian leave the room as she wasn't family, no matter how much Ashley fought it. The midwife came in placing the jelly onto Ashley's stomach, usually when this happened she was smiling and waiting in anticipation to see her child, whereas today tears were streaming from her eyes and she could barley look at the screen.

The nurse moved the ultrasound around her stomach before looking up at the doctor and then back at Ashley. 'I'm so sorry miss benson but', Ashley let out a loud sob before she could finish. The two of them left the room leaving Ashley alone, she'd curled up on her side as she sobbed holding her stomach. She kicked the metal bars of the bed before she climbed out of it and punched the wall. It was at this time that troian came back in the room and grabbed both of her hands 'enough, no, this isn't going to help anyone' she said firmly. Ashley struggled until troian released her arms and then continued to hit the wall. Eventually she places her hands against the wall and took a breath before crumbling to the floor crying again. It was then that troian made her way over and cradled her in her arms.

The two of them stayed huddled on the floor until eventually Ashley fell asleep. Troian had text Keegan earlier to ask him to come to the hospital and the two of them carried her to Troians car, Keegan drove as Ashley's head lay on Troians lap and she played with her hair. The makeup streaked down her face and her knuckles bruised and swollen. Once they arrived home shay was waiting outside her gate, she'd gotten Ashley's voicemail and came to her house but couldn't get hold of her. The three of them took her inside before troian and Keegan left, both of them gently kissing her head. They told shay they were only a phone call away and then left. Shay took her shoes off and crawled into bed with Ashley, she lay watching her sleep until eventually she fell asleep with her.

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