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Ashley woke to someone gently shaking her 'Ashley. Ashley' she rolled over and groaned 'not now Shan'. He shook her again 'Ashley', she realised that the voice wasn't shays and sat bolt upright 'Tyler', she looked over at him and immediately felt her chest tighten. He sat on the bed next to her, watching her. Her breathing quickened and her heart rate picked up and before she knew what was happening she was having a full blown panic attack. Tyler took hold of her cheeks gently 'ash copy my breathing, in and out, it's okay..'  he breathed in and out slowly and deeply and eventually Ashley's breathing was back to normal. Tyler laid her on the bed stroking her hair softly 'it's okay babygirl', tears fell from Ashley's eyes again as she looked up at Tyler, 'I did something really bad ty' she was sobbing again as Tyler looked down at her 'w..what?' He said wearily not knowing what she was about to tell him 'I.. I killed our baby' she whispered looking down at her stomach 'I'm so sorry Tyler' she curled up on her side and cried as he took in what she'd just said

'why didn't you call me ash?' He said eventually 'you didn't have to do this by yourself'

Ashley shook her head

'I didn't wanna screw anything else up for you'.

'No' he rolled her over gently 'listen to me okay? You have never ever screwed anything up for me, you are the most important and amazing thing in my life and you didn't screw anything up Ashley'

'I lost the baby, it was.. Our baby'

'I know gorgeous but it's okay'

She sat up

'No ty it's not, stop trying to tell me this is okay. It's not okay. I killed our child'

'Well what do you want me to do Ashley? Yell at you? get mad? Leave? Hell I know Im not perfect but I'm not that much of a jerk'

Ashley got up grabbing her phone, wallet and car keys before leaving the house. 'Don't follow me please, I just need to get out of here' she said as she left. She climbed into her car and made her way to the local store, she pulled up and went inside, she walked around picking up a bottle of vodka and a lighter before going to the cashier 'uh I'll have 3 packs of whatever's best', the man nodded, she paid before making her way back to the car. of course the paparazzi has met her outside, she rolled her eyes before climbing into her car. She pulled away before lighting her cigarette and undoing her window. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she pulled up to the Warner brothers lot. She hadn't been here in over a year but right now she needed somewhere that felt safe. she pulled up in the parking lot and climbed out of her car. She sat outside stage 5 opening the bottle of vodka. Who would've thought that in a year her life would've come to this. Taking a swig from the bottle she looked around remember the times she had here with the girls in the last 6 years. Tears rolled down her cheeks again and eventually her bottle and the cigarette packet were empty. she stood up and stumbled her way back to the car starting the engine. She pulled out of the lot and turned onto the street. She called shay and put the phone through the car, 'shannnonnnnn' she sung down the phone to her

S - shay A - Ashley

S - Ashley what the fuck

A - baby I'm coming to see you

S - are you driving?! Get off the road you fucking idiot

A - shay, babe, calm down I'm f..fine

S - no Ashley, I mean it get off the road

A - but I'm nearly at your street and I need a cuddle because I miss you

S - okay you pull over and I'll come get you and we can have a cuddle okay?

A - I'm almost here Shan, it's okay I'll see you soon babygirl

S - ash.. No

Before Ashley could answer, there was a loud crash on shays end of the phone then the phone line went dead. 

Ashley had driven her car into the central reservation causing it to spin out of control. Luckily no other cars were involved, someone had called an ambulance. Unfortunately paparazzi arrived at the scene and were trying to take pictures of Ashley.

Shay and Ashley have each others phones on their 'find my iPhone' app and she found where Ashley was. She drove down the street before jumping out of her car and running over to where Ashley was 'ash, fuck Ashley', the paparazzi snapped their cameras and shay had to bite her tongue hard to stop herself yelling at them. The ambulance pulled up at the scene along with the police who quickly moved the paps along before checking the incident. The paramedics put Ashley into the ambulance, shay said she'd follow in her car, on the way she called Tyler and explained the situation and the two of them rushed to the hospital.

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