Chapter 11| Raw pleasure

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Chapter 11: Raw pleasure


I stood motionless, staring at the door but not daring to walk up to it. My worst fears were catching up with me, reckless delinquencies of my prime unravelling like a dirty linen hung out to dry.

I spent elementary school and most of my senior years at Hilltop and truly, I had no close friends besides Kelvin whom I'd infact taken a period of time getting comfortable around. I always wanted nothing to do with Kelvin's friends and in hindsight, I couldn't fully comprehend why I was so cold to people that had nothing to do with my unhappiness.

All I did was let Kelvin cajole me to wild parties; be it on beaches or house parties or clubs, and hooked up with different girls for the fun of beneficial friends, no doubt playing with their feelings in the process and being an insensitive piece of ass.

I also had no idea Damien's sister had been used the same way but I had no excuse really. A friend of a friend's sister or not, I should never have been so heartless and so for that, I got my fancy present from karma.

The door was not locked as Daniella had stepped out of the room when I got here and no movement had been made inside ever since, at least from what I could see in the crack of the slightly ajar door.

My drive in this relationship of ours was to always be the cause of the pretty dazzling smiles on her face and the sarcastic eye rolls she made and the laughter she couldn't suppress. Instead, I got her crying over my top-notch job of creating a big mess for her.

Chioma might have been a green snake slithering behind her camouflage but her reveal should not have taken shape because of me. I was in the picture now and Tracy was definitely hating me for it. I was more than just in the picture, as I was on the billboard, in the fucking center of it all.

News of course, spread like wildfire and by now, almost every news site had put up the story of Tracy being allegedly cheated on and her rival, a girl in my embrace whose face was not revealed in the video because she backed the cam. Everyone on social media hopped on it since about an hour ago and it was on its way to being a viral headline. I could mentally picture a thousand and one fan base of my miseries giving me a standing ovation for the wonderful job I'd done this time.

Hearing light footsteps coming my way, I raised my head to find Chioma giving me a slow once over until she came to a halt before me. Of course, she was not gone yet. She made sure to take her sweet time packing her shit which was now stuffed in her green bag which conveniently matched her true colors<snakish green> to leave the dumpsite where she offloaded her bullshit.

She smirked, shaking her head in disdain.

"I actually thought you to be way past this stage of being a whipped whore of Tracy's. How the hell did I come to have feelings for you? No, I actually thought highly of you as opposed to-" she paused to gesture rudely at me as I stood motionless outside Tracy's door. "this. What happened to you, Chris?"

I stared at her like a lion would a deer, just ready to pounce on it and devour it to scraps of bones.

"She is your friend. You're Tracy's only friend."

Chioma wasn't shaken by the reminder, scoffing off my remark even and sassily flipping her hair extension in the air.

"You don't want to know my thoughts on that, trust me."

"Are you even listening to yourself!?" I was suddenly irked beyond disbelief. "Was there any point in time you were truly a friend to her? Why have you suddenly chosen to go down this path?"

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