Chapter 20| Unmatched trio

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Chapter 20: Unmatched trio


"Favorite place in the world?"

"The beach."


"Asides seeing how deep my feelings for you were on pearl beach, I've come to love seeing the ocean with you. So yeah, the beach."

It doesn't matter who made the confession. Thing is, we both felt the same way and no matter how much different we were as individuals, we shared mutual feelings when it comes to love and that's just something I held on to dearly.

"I love you." I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss on it while driving with the other.

"I love you too." Tracy smiled.

I could never get tired of hearing that. Infact, I wanted to hear more of it for the rest of my life. I didn't want confirmation of love by actions only. I had to hear it. After all, that was my love language.

"It really feels like we just met."

"Does it?"

"Yeah," she answered without taking her brown eyes off me. "but in a good way. It feels like we're starting again on the right track. Remember when you bumped into me? Every time we met again from that moment onward, there was never a chance for proper introduction. Normally, we should've shared heys, and I'd tell you my name is Tracy and you'd reply with nice to meet you, I'm Christopher. We lost that because we got off on the wrong foot."

I squeezed her hand in my hold, recalling my last birthday when Rose broke up with me and I met Tracy instead.

"But we're not normal people."

"Not one bit." she agreed, laughing.

"And we got to where we are today just because we're not. Since we met last year, we've been prone to commit homicide and actually... I want to keep it that way."

"Yeah. Me too." she sighed and dropped her gaze to our hands clasped together on my thigh. "I'm just happy to get to know who Christopher really is."

"Let's do this often then."


"Let's ask each other some random questions every day until we're all caught up."

"Yeah, let's do that." her dazzling smile intensified.

I was really trying my possible best to keep my dick in my pants this time but knowingly or not, she was tempting me into sinning again.

"Anything else you wanna know?" I asked her once I snapped out of my reverie.

"Your star sign."

"I'm not into that shit." I confessed with a grimace.

"Well I am. And Geminis are the best in the game." Tracy boasted.

"You coined your fandom title from your zodiac sign, right?" I scoffed and continued, "So clichè. Where do you even get these ideas from?"

Tracy ignored it and took out my phone from the compartment between us.

"I know your birthday so let me look up your zodiac... Ah! Found it. You're a Sagittarius."


"Sagittarius. The archer in the zodiac. You're funny, optimistic, nurturing, idealistic, curious, passionate, an adventurer and friendly. It says a Sagittarius values independence and the ability to do what they want, when they want."

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