Pity Game

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So Serinuma-san had rejected them all, big deal, Nana was still a hotshot. If she had chosen anyone else over him, that would've been a problem, but a single lady, of course, he would respect that. As Beyonce said, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh", and he lived by that. Igarashi on the other hand, that pathetic bastard of his, didn't seem to handle it that well. He looked fucking miserable, like the shrivelled up apple you forgot in the fridge, you should really eat it, it's probably still good, to be honest. Nana felt bad for his sworn rival, more casually known as his fellow classmate and middle school friend. The guy had this look on his face like there was nothing going on behind his eyes. No life, no soul, just empty, it was pitiful, Nana truly felt bad for him.


Igarashi had zoned on, replaying a shitty viral video in his head. Class was truly dreadful, usually, he could concentrate, he wasn't a bad student compared to some.

"Stop staring at me", Nana hissed across the classroom. Igarashi rolled his eyes. Nanashima was truly one of the most pathetic creatures he had seen, like a dog but no dignity, like whatsoever, zero, negative. Serinumas rejection had affected him the most, no doubt about it.

Igarashi himself was fine, he was usually the one to politely reject romantic offers, not the other way around, but did it hurt his pride? Not important. He had grown from the situation, he no longer valued looks, he now valued personality and looks, some might call him a saint, in fact, he'd definitely heard it. If Serinuma ever changed her mind, he wouldn't be available, he wasn't that pathetic of a man to wait for someone's feelings to change, completely unaware if it would ever even happen or not. Though he was Igarashi, so it was an unavoidable outcome. But he did enjoy playing cat and mouse, maybe they could get together when they were 50 or something, after their failed marriages, it could be romantic, relive their youth and all. See, Igarashi had moved on, already planning for an alternative future... with Serinuma.

Whatever, he wasn't the one with a problem, he had to take care of his suffering friend. Just looking at the blonde made him gag, it wasn't a sight for the weakhearted. He, as the good man he was, had to save his friend from his shameful future. He didn't want to be the one to drag along a failed man as his friend, a soulless individual who had lost his confidence in life after being rejected from his dream girl in his adolescence, a ghast who wandered from sofa to sofa, showered in booze, drenched by his own odour, behaving like an ogre, forever a failure who drained peoples energy simply by existing. Some people who knew him would say that he was overthinking it.

"You're glaring, again... idiot", but he was sure of it, that's what the people on the internet always said, and if he trusted anyone blindly, it was random people on the internet with no proven credentials. Do not worry pathetic friend, I will save you from your destined misery, he thought to himself.


"So, do you wanna hang out, play some Apex after school?" Igarashi smiled with melancholic eyes. It was this bad, huh? Nana sighed. His friend was down bad. Asking to hang out on a Monday, he was clearly desperate, reaching out for any human contact he could get. Nana would of course not decline, he wasn't heartless after all. If someone begged you when they were in such a bad state, who could say no. Of course, if Nana really wanted to he could say no, if Iga was some stranger like the weird neighbour's kid he would've definitely said no without even giving it a second thought, like defiently, but this was Igarashi, his enemy more casually known as the friend he walked to school with. So of course, he opened his big heart for the peasant and said:



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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