Part 3

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Had the stupid bathroom really become his safe haven? Nana threw up some cold water in his face hoping the blush would wash away. Igarashi was playing with him, there was no other explanation. Making a fool out of Nana, he wouldn't let it go on any further. He just didn't understand the guy.  Nana looked up and saw his own face in the mirror, he was pathetic. To be tricked by some stupid hot guy, teased about his failure with women, that had to be his lowest low. It couldn't get worse, Nana was furious. He was going to get that girl no matter what, we would marry her to prove everyone wrong, to show everyone how capable he was, to spit in Mr.perfect's face. 

The door knocked. Nana nervously swallowed, it couldn't be Igarashi, he couldn't have found him... right? Nana silently waited, if he said anything whoever was on the other side of the door would know it was him.

"Hello?" a sweet nervous voice asked, it was Serinuma-san. Nana opened the door and smiled. "Oh!" she flusteredly uttered while a pink colour spread over her cheeks. "I'm sorry, there's a long cue to the ladies so I thought I would walk here to find an empty bathroom before we start recording again. I wasn't sure if this one was locked or occupied", she itched her throat while smiling up at him. Nana simply just walked out and gestured her to go in.

"Sorry for taking so long, I was just washing my face, gets quite sweaty under the studio lights, you know?" he pardoned while smiling back at her, she excused herself and closed the door. This was his chance, it would be too awkward waiting for her outside as he didn't have any business to get back in there, and just standing outside would be quite the creepy thing to do so he decided to run to get them some drinks. He found a vending machine and bought them both some strawberry milk, hoping she would enjoy that. It took a few tries though because the machine kept swallowing his coins. He headed back but when he got there, unlucky as he was she was already gone. Fuck. But he still had time, the pause was not over yet, he could run ahead to the green room and smoothly hand one to her. Nana clenched the small cardboard packages in his hands and began sprinting. 

He heard her voice on the other side of a purple curtain that was hiding the green room area. She was already talking to someone else. Nana carefully pulled the curtain to open a small split, enough for him to see who she was talking to, like the weird stalker he apparently now was. Igarashi. Nana saw red. Fuck that guy. Someone should just throw him in a pit of lava or something, Nana gritted his teeth. He turned around and walked down a corridor, kicked the innocent white wall while letting out a sea song of curse words. A milk box suddenly left his hand, he looked up and Nishina was the culprit. He or she or whatever smirked.

"Yo", Nishina casually said. "You mind?" Nana shrugged so Nishina stabbed the small milk box with a straw. "You don't really look the best, if one may say so", Nishina started drinking.  Nana scoffed. 

"You don't say, dear rich top model author", Nana rolled his eyes, smiling though, he did, in fact, enjoy Nishina's company.

"Ohh what a title", Nishina playfully gestured with his hands...or hers? Nana let out a chuckle and leaned back against the previously abused wall and stabbed his own milk package. "Something going on?"

"Ohh nothing, I'm just trying my darn hardest to win her over but I keep failing against that doofus", Nana nodded against Igarashi's direction. Nishina put their hands on his shoulder and sighed with a calm but warm expression covering their face. Now when Nana got a closer look it was easy to tell that Nishina, in fact, was a woman, eyes beaming and big with a slender quite feminine face and jaw. 

"Then let me take off that weight of our shoulders, you don't have to worry about that", she simply said. So it was true then, what Igarashi had said back in his drunken state. 

"You're already together aren't you..?"

"How did you know?" Nishina raised an eyebrow whilst smirking like some villain from an old detective drama who'd just been revealed as the offender.

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