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Eyelids heavy like bricks, head even heavier, a ghostly fog in front of him, inviting him to just close his eyes for a short second...but that would, in the end, fool him and lock them closed... forever.

A warm hand ruffled his hair.
"Nana, class is over", the familiar voice sighed. Nana didn't move, he couldn't bother, face pressed against his own arm, body heavy on the desk. "Nana", the voice got annoyed. It was that sort of voice that belonged to a person that wasn't used to being ignored, a voice that was surrounded by people and loved by most of them. Nana relaxed his body even more, slowly drifting away, lifting up from the earth and leaving to what hopefully was a good nap.

But voices suddenly got louder and louder, Nana groaned and opened his sloth eyes only to find himself being carried down the hall, students eyeing him and laughing. Startled like a cat he got of Igarashi's back, the owner of the previously mentioned voice that is. Igarashi just looked back in a tired manner, eyebrows low against his narrow eyes. People kept tittering. Nana glared at the raven, hoping his orbs could convey the feeling of betrayal he was suffering.

"You promised me you'd buy a dorayaki to me at lunch", was all that left the raven as an excuse. The tone of his voice leaving a bittersweet taste in Nana's mouth. Something was out of the ordinary when it came to the otherwise usually smiling sarcastic bastard Nana called his friend. It was like seeing apples on a bush, completely wrong but missable for an idiot.

"I haven't promised you shit", Nana was too tired to figure out the raven at that point, he just wanted to sleep. And getting away from all the annoying stares. He turned his heel and walked back to the classroom. Usually Iga would stop him and yell at him but this time he didn't, Nana turned back expecting to see the raven yank his arm at any second but when he threw a glance back the hallway was full of vaguely familiar faces and there was not a single sign that the raven had ever even been there. Nana shrugged it off.

Igarashi was simply what one could call a best friend, someone who was always around and usually made time to be with you, that was it. From all Nana knew it was nothing like your favourite person, the person you had the most fun with or anything, just someone that was casually always there with you, for some reason. A reason no one really cared to question, and it was better that way. If a friendship worked just fine, who are you to question how it worked and why it worked, when it's good you don't ask yourself questions about it, at least Nana didn't.

He was back at his desk, resting his eyes, trying to fall asleep. Keyword "trying". It wasn't really working. Nana could guess it had something to do with Igarashi's odd behaviour, or perhaps it was the thought that he'd just been embarrassed being carried piggyback style in front of familiar strangers he had seen in school before. His classmates had luckily already made it to the cafeteria to his knowledge but still, just the mare thought of the incident made his face heat up. Hopefully, people just thought he was sick. He couldn't wrap his head around Igarashi's action. If it was a prank or a joke or something he wouldn't have been thinking about it. But Iga hadn't laughed, instead he had actually looked quite...hurt? Surely Nana was just reading too much into it, he had a tendency to do so. Small gestures became life or death important actions in his head sometimes, it was just the way he worked.

He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and looked up. Serinuma smiled at him and with that, he was all recharged.

"How are you feeling?" she pulled out the chair beside him and sat down. "You didn't eat lunch with us", she casually stated. Nana stretches his arms over his head and yawned. "Oh", she giggled. He never really had to explain himself around her, at least not with words. She turned around and reached into her bag, picking up a package of pocky. "It's birthday cake flavoured, would you like some?" he nodded and she reached out her hand to give one to him. Nana leaned in with his face instead and carefully grabbed it with his teeth, smirking at the flustered girl looking at him. She looked so cute, big eyes and pouty lips, face slightly dusted with pink, it made his heart beat a bit faster. She looked away and he laughed.

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