A Dating Show Gone Wrong (Part.1)

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He was an average bloke, no one special really. Of course, Nanashima was attractive and charming to some but he still was a nobody. He hadn't succeeded with something, he wasn't known for anything, he didn't even have a girlfriend. His parents asked him about it all the time, he was already twenty-three years old and hadn't dated a girl for longer than a week. He just didn't get the point of it, he hadn't been in love with anyone of them, no matter how gorgeous and stunning they were. He just didn't feel anything. Something was probably wrong with him. Girls were always so clingy, creeping their hands over him, wanting him to call them and spend time with them, make love to them. It all just felt so phony to him, were they even ever serious about him? Or were they shallow, just out for looks and money? Some probably were genuine, there were some nice girls in the mix. He really wanted to like them, he really did but Nanashima wasn't that type of guy, the one who would fall head over heels for any beautiful girl. Some thought he was cold toward women, which obviously made more people want him. The same kind of girls who got that same cold love from their parents and were subconsciously seeking it out in their men. He was just an average bloke, being popular wasn't anything he ever cared about. It felt good being liked, being praised, he had to admit that but hurting people and making others jealous was nothing he intentionally wanted. Some even thought he was a player but he just tried to find the one. The one who could warm his cold heart and make him feel for the first time.

Even though he was looking for love it felt wrong going to a dating show. Wasn't all that fake anyways? It had been Kirari's idea from the beginning, it probably was for her own entertainment. That bastard, and he who remembered her being so sweet when they were younger. They really had grown up, hadn't they? So much had changed. Nana smiled at the pleasant memories of them dancing to that old anime they used to like, Puri Puri Moon. He sure had been a weird teen, no wonder he didn't have any close friends back then. Nana ran his hand through his blond locks and smirked against himself in the mirror. He looked good. No matter who the girl was he would win her, whoever the other contestants were they couldn't possibly beat him. Nana knew what girls liked. He opened the first two buttons on his shirt, he looked too stiff and proper otherwise. Everyone liked a bad boy. He kept looking at himself, whispering seductions against the mirror and pulling off different poses. He could be an idol. Ughh, what was he doing? He sat down and covered his face in embarrassment. What was he doing there? It would just end up like it always did, him feeling nothing and her crying because he was a broken human. The assistant knocked on the toilet door calling out that it was 5 minutes left until the shoot. Well, there was no turning back now. He took a deep breath and walked out to the set.

With the studio personnel running around like chickens he couldn't help but bump into someone.

"I'm sorry", Nana uttered automatically. Not really sounding sorry to be fair but his robotic-polite voice was always just on autopilot. A tall raven wearing a suit and holding some heavy looking studio lights. Wasn't he a bit too dressed up to be a light-guy? The raven rolled his eyes and walked away. What a douche, he could've at least said something himself. Luckily, he was just a light-guy so Nana would probably not meet him again. He hated disrespectful people, at least Nana always tried to be nice. Emphasis on the tried. The assistant showed up and led Nana behind a door, she informed him he would step outside it when they called out his name. How exciting. The show had a live audience but not like that was enough, if he embarrassed himself it would also end up on TV... in front of millions as well. Great.









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