We're Just Friends, Raimundo!

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Kimiko Tohomiko: You know how my dad is a technological game tycoon and cyberspace engineer, right?

Raimundo nodded, a surefire sign that he understood where she was headed with her reasoning.

Kimiko Tohomiko: Well, when I was in school, the boys always flocked towards me like I was the last cookie on the plate. When I found that it was because of my own family ties and not me as a person, I was devastated. I hated only being recognized as Kimiko Tohomiko, the daughter of a tech tycoon/cyberspace engineer and a former Japanese fashion mogul. I was also the sister of an interdimensional spy as well as the niece and cousin of foreign royalty. I was never even once regarded for being myself.

Raimundo suddenly felt the need for his Pan Asian crush to clarify the other two that not even the other monks were aware of at all.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Stop right there for a moment. I knew about the tech tycoon/cyberspace engineer thing and the interdimensional spy stuff, but fashion mogul and foreign royalty? You also said former right before you said fashion mogul. What's up with all of that?

Kimiko Tohomiko: I'm sorry. I always thought I already told you guys that my mom was a fashion mogul before her untimely death when I was three.

Raimundo suddenly realized why Kimiko never mentioned her mom to them.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Gotcha, Kim. But, what about the thing about foreign royalty? Where are your royal cousins from?

Kimiko Tohomiko: I'm beginning to think you only wanna mooch off of my family, Rai. You better not like me only for my money, Pedrosa.

Raimundo Pedrosa: I'm not like those cads who you've been telling me about. I'm just curious, I solemnly swear this ta you.

This was why Kimiko did not make a habit of sharing her life before the xiaolin temple and being a dragon-in-training. She gave him the benefit of the doubt, anyway.

Kimiko Tohomiko: My royal cousins live in Wales in the British Isles of Europe. I don't like to talk about my cousin, Crystal, especially.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Why not? She do something to hurt you once? Because if your cousin is like that, I don't think I'd wanna meet her, anyway.

Kimiko Tohomiko: No, it's nothing like that. Crystal never did anything to hurt me, not directly, anyway.

Raimundo Pedrosa: What do you mean 'not directly'? What are you saying? What exactly did she do to hurt you?

Kimiko Tohomiko: She was my only familial friend when I was growing up, but then one day, our families ordered us to never come in contact with one another, again. I never even once knew why they would give such a harsh rule to the two of us. I eventually defied that rule and went to see Crystal against my dad and Tomoko's orders, but when I tried to ask her if she wanted to play with me, she just turned me away. I miss my family so much, right now. I think I can even see Crystal among the new dragons-in-training, but I bet it's nothing but a daydream.

Raimundo could see that Kimiko was falling into a trance of heartbreak. He had to snap her out of it.

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