Barkey LeBois and the Guilty Princess

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What neither one of them saw was that there was in deed a new girl dragon-in-training who was trying desperately to hide behind a tree that she did not realize at first was Barkey LeBois, an ex-xiaolin dragon of wood. Once the girl saw that the tree she hid behind was indeed alive, she put her left index finger over her lips to signify that she was hiding and would have appreciated Barkey being quiet about her whereabouts at the xiaolin temple. Barkey nodded to her that he understood.

Barkey LeBois: At least, you're not here to pick at my fruit, so I shall stay quiet for you, pretty girl.

Barkey winked at the girl in confirmation that she could trust him not to rat her out. The platinum blonde, nearly white-haired girl with baby blue eyes blushed a slight shade of pink at Barkey's compliment towards her.

Near White-Haired girl: Thanks, Mr. Tree. By the way, my name is Crystal Ravenson, and I guess I'm the xiaolin dragon of ice. But technically speaking, I'm also the xiaolin dragon of snow.

Barkey LeBois: Ice and Snow? Are you a fairy tale queen, Miss Ravenson? Wait a minute, you are the cousin that the xiaolin dragon of fire was talking about just a minute ago.

Crystal Ravenson: Yeah, I'm_ her, too. But, please don't tell her or any of them I'm here or that I'm one of the new xiaolin dragons.

Barkey LeBois: Why do you not wish to reconcile with your own cousin? What is holding you back, young Crystal? By the way, my name is Barkey LeBois, former xiaolin dragon of wood from a previous generation, and not Mr. Tree. But still, I have been called worse.

Crystal Ravenson: Don't say anything about this to Kimiko or anyone else at the temple. Can I trust to not mention this to the rest of them, at least?

Barkey LeBois: You have my word, this time, beautiful Crystal. What is it that is wrong with you trying to use this opportunity to patch up your lost friendship with your own cousin?

Crystal whispered in her quietest voice to Barkey.

Crystal Ravenson: I guess telling it to someone might make me feel even a little less guilty about what happened between Kimiko and me that night. It was when I was nine and Kimiko was six. It was the last time she was ever allowed to visit me with her family. I didn't mean for it to happen, it was an accident, I swear. Kimiko and I were playing with snow that I made myself. Unlike all the other dragons-in-training, I was born with my powers.

Barkey LeBois: You are a strange case as a xiaolin dragon of ice and snow, my child.

Crystal Ravenson: Yeah, I've had my xiaolin dragon-like powers since I was born. Anyway, Kimiko and I were playing with my homemade snow one night, and things got a little out of hand very, very fast.

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