Barkey Finally Convinces Crystal

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Crystal Ravenson: My parents then gave me these gloves to keep my powers under control. They also help shield others from my abilities, like the people I care about, for example.

Crystal breathed out the lightest, quietest sigh she could muster.

Crystal Ravenson: I just never suspected that my own powers would one day become the reason I would ever find my way back into the life my best familial friend, Kimiko Tohomiko.

Barkey LeBois: If you were best friends in those days, what's stopping you from at least introducing yourself as even a new friend of hers? You two could find each other, again. But, you must hurry up.

Crystal Ravenson: Why? Because we're now in the same place at the same time?

Barkey LeBois: No because you might never get the chance back for it.

Crystal Ravenson: My life after Kimiko had to forget about me was kind of like an eternity spent living in the bad place. I was even sad about when I had rejected her offer to play with me in my lonely palace to her face. I'm not a good person. I'm not even sure if I deserved her as my best friend, and she clearly has an entire posse of new best friends. Granted she's not the leader, but these people actually can be there for her.

Barkey LeBois: You will never know until you try.

Crystal Ravenson: Curse my knowledge of good advice when I hear it.

Although she was cursing at herself, Crystal smiled an honest smile after she said it. She also rubbed the back of her hair with her left hand.

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