Kimiko's Past Love Life Revealed

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Back with Kimiko and Raimundo, she decided to get on with telling him about the many heartbreaks from other guys she had experienced in the past. The list of all the selfish, gold-digging cads of her youth was so long, however, that it went as far back in Kimiko's life as the beginning of elementary school, it turned out. Raimundo was very surprised by this revelation that Kimiko had dealt with such depravity from the boys her entire life.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Get out. You actually got hit on by gold-digging cads as early in life as grade school? Yeah, right, you're pullin' my leg.

Kimiko Tohomiko: May 15th, 2nd grade; Daisuke Hamajinki, the one that started a never-ending streak of being flirted with by greedy jerk faces. Daisuke bet with his friends that he could be the first guy to charm the pretty little rich girl. He won the bet, and unfortunately, he wound up winning me, too. But, his approach didn't last long, especially not once I discovered his real motives behind his ask out. Valentine's Day, also 2nd grade; Ryoji Makashima. I gave him a box of my first ever homemade chocolates on February 14th. Then, I waited for White Day to come around.

Raimundo Pedrosa: I thought you were going in a chronological order with these jerks. Why is Valentine's Day after May in your school year? And what the hey is White Day?

Kimiko Tohomiko: Stop interrupting me. Answer 1) I am going in chronological order. Answer 2) The school term in Japan starts in April, not September or whatever month the year you're used to in Brazil. Answer 3) White Day is a month after Valentine's Day in Japan, and it's the day the guys give something to the girls who gave them chocolates as a token of thanks.

Raimundo Pedrosa: So, then White Day in Japan is on March 14th?

Kimiko Tohomiko: Yes, can I get back to my reasons now or do you have any more questions?

Raimundo Pedrosa: I'm good until a new question forms in my head. Ah man, did I really say that last part out loud instead of in my head?

Kimiko Tohomiko: Yes. Yes, you did, and I'm gonna have to ask you to hold all questions until the end, I'm afraid.

Raimundo slid his right thumb and forefinger across his lips as if to zip them shut.

Kimiko Tohomiko: Anyway, I waited for White Day to come around, that year. But, upon the arrival of March 14th, Ryoji only gave a present he secretly wanted for himself, my giant trust fund. Eventually, Tomoko called the cops on Ryoji, and dad had him sent to the youth correctional facility in the farthest northern reaches of Hokkaido. But, I knew he was really just sent to the worst juvenile hall in Japan.

It was a long, winded story about Kimiko's past love life in Japan, and it finally ended with her last vile boyfriend by the name of Haruki Meizameni. He broke her heart on her own birthday of all days of the year when he was caught in the act of openly cheating on her by Tomoko. It turned out that this Haruki only went out with Kimiko to gain access to her family's money, and he had another girlfriend the whole time.

It also turned out that the girls in her school life were not any better towards her. Even her own gal pals showed a lot of jealousy towards poor Kimiko. Her own best friend in school, Seiko Hanamaki, was jealous of Kimiko just for even talking to her boyfriend. It was not until Kimiko finally told her the truth that Masato Mitakami, Seiko's boyfriend, went to Kimiko for help on his math homework did she save her friendship with Seiko.

Raimundo could finally say what he wanted to say about Kimiko's past love life, and boy did he have a lot to say to her about it.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Wow, you sure hooked up with some real sleazeballs before coming to the xiaolin temple.

Kimiko Tohomiko: And yet, even after coming to the temple, I'm still treated like some kind of magnet for such sleazeballs.

Raimundo Pedrosa: What? Who exactly is a sleazeball that's way into you? I mean, besides Jack Spicer, Tiny Sim, and to a lesser extent, Chase Young?

Kimiko Tohomiko: I was aware of Jack being into me, but his biggest fanatic, Tiny Sim? Since when?

Raimundo Pedrosa: Since about the incident involving your first encounter with your dragon, where none of us believed you, so you went on a quest to take care of Chase, yourself. And by then, Tiny Sim was Spicer's intern and called you pretty.

Raimundo Pedrosa's brain: And to be honest, I don't really blame the little weasel brain for liking a girl like Kimiko. Him thinking Wuya was hot, I didn't even see how that could've even been possible, but the little dweeb's idea of Kimiko being as pretty as a fresh coat of paint on my favorite surfboard, oh-la-la, Hubba Hubba, and other phrases and terms to express physical attraction to another person.

Raimundo failed to realize in time, but Kimiko had noticed he drifted so far into his own mind, that he could not hear a word she said to him afterwards. Kimiko yelled in Raimundo's ear to snap him out of his lovesick reverie.

Kimiko Tohomiko: RAI, WAKE UP!

Raimundo suddenly woke up from his lovestruck daze as soon as reality called.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Huh, what'd you say, Kim?

Kimiko sighed in exasperation at Raimundo's lack of attention towards what she had just told him.

Kimiko Tohomiko: I said I don't really trust Tiny Sim's judgement on female beauty. He thought Wuya was attractive, even in her ghost form.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Well, what about Chase? He acts kinda like even he pines for you, maybe to a lesser degree, though.

Kimiko never would have guessed, but Chase Young did spy on her a lot, even when she was not at all with the others, even Omi. Although, in technical terms, it was more because Chase was trying to know why Kimiko was chosen to be the first dragon rider of her generation and not as much to do with a romantic attraction to the xiaolin dragon of fire. But, Kimiko doubted this to be true and only thought that Raimundo was just trying too hard to be good friend by telling her she impressed even the supreme heylin lord of darkness.

Kimiko Tohomiko: Hahahahahahahahahaha, nice one, Rai. You're so hilarious. Chase Young pining for me? Who do you and Chase even take me for? Omi? Hahahahaha, good one, Raimundo. I don't know what you were trying to sell there, but I don't buy it. I may attract bad guys, but I'm no villainous dude magnet. Besides, when I mentioned was still chased by bad boys, I meant guys like you, Raimundo Pedrosa. You seem a lot like the exact type that would only pine for my family's money just like all those other cads from before I left Japan to join the xiaolin temple. Face it, I'm nothing but a prize for guys to hit with their best shot of winning me over in masculine eyes.

Raimundo Pedrosa: What are you calling me a cad for? I've never done anything but help you out. I risked my own life for your riding dragon when you were trapped and couldn't protect little Zippy Lou. I took a worm tail to the head fighting Spicer's cyber worm when it had you cornered while you were trying to figure out how to return things in your dad's cyberspace project to normal. I was the first to agree with you about Ping Pong becoming our new xiaolin apprentice over Willow, who was really Shadow in disguise. I did a lot for you, and this is the thanks I get from you, of all people?

Kimiko Tohomiko: I'm sorry, Raimundo, but I just don't want a boyfriend, and even if I did, you and I are just friends, nothing else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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